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Gospel reflection

May 9, 2021: Sixth Sunday of Easter

Published on May 6, 2021

John Chapter 15:9-17 Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also live you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater…



Sister Helen Vinton

Published on November 20, 2006

Current ministry: Rural Resource Development Director Southern Mutual Help Association Years in the Congregation: 53 years My best friend says that: “Without a lot of fanfare, I would be a great organizer committed to justice, Earth and community.” How many times might you have heard, “I guess it was Providence, but I didn’t know it at the time?” Sister Helen Vinton might be a textbook example. She grew up on a western Nebraska ranch where everyone had to do everything….



Remembering Sister Mary Henry Brames

Published on August 3, 2017

In a photo from 1985, Sister Mary Henry Brames stands next to the mittens she crocheted for the poor. “She was an essential part of the endeavor to make Saint Mary-of-the-Woods an autonomous facility, maintaining its own farm, dairy, orchard, coal mine and bakery, in addition to the cannery,” Sister Mary Roger Madden wrote in the commentary for Sister Mary Henry Brames (RIP), the subject of this week’s Throwback Thursday. Receiving requests in any way from people regarding the Sisters…



Throwback Thursday: Remembering Sister Therese Berry

Published on October 27, 2016

This photo, taken in 1998, depicts Sister Jenny Howard (left) and then-General Superior Sister Diane Ris (right) with Sister Therese Berry during her Golden Jubilee celebration. There are many people who follow the Sisters of Providence Facebook page who have requested more information on a growing list of sisters. One of the joys of putting together these Throwback Thursday blogs is to make the trip to Archives and study the history of these sisters. This week’s subject was not different….



A Marian Litany

O Lovely rose of Sharon’s plain, Pure lily of the field, Thou beauteous garden all inclosed, The Spirit’s Fountain sealed— O pray for us! The honor of thy people, thou, Fair Paradise of God, The glory of Jerusalem And Jesse’s blooming rod— O pray for us! Thou blossoming wilderness of God, Thou Virgin pure of birth, Fair temple of the Trinity, The pearl of priceless worth—O pray for us! Dear Lady of the Eucharist, The dawn of Christ’s bright day,…



Faithfulness and God’s mission: a Foundation Day reflection

Published on October 22, 2017

…educational philosophy. In a day where rulers and punishment were common in the classroom, she valued rewards. She also gifted us with an ongoing educational commitment to innovation. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is made up of historic buildings and a serene campus, but don’t let that make you think we are traditional in our offerings! The Academy boasted the curriculum common to its time but also some extraordinary programs in science. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College was the first women’s college to offer…



A lampworker’s meditation

Published on September 24, 2015

…what it is meant to be. But freedom without direction can result in a formless blob. The glass cannot will itself to greatness. It must yield to the hand that is guiding and gently shaping it. It continues in patience as cycles of heating and cooling allow the evolution from what was to what will be. The bead in completion is not yet complete. Beauty is inherent, but its purpose is still evolving. Will it become a part of a…



Retired teachers never quit; they just choose another course

Published on November 6, 2015

…provides free one-on-one tutoring to low-income adults. This is a ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph and their website describes the need: “improving adult English literacy improves our schools, public safety, health literacy and workplace productivity — this helps our communities and our economy.” Sister Patricia explained that her students “want to refine their English skills to be able to communicate with doctors and other English-speaking people that they have to deal with every day.” She said the ministry…


Gospel reflection

September 4, 2022: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on September 1, 2022

Gospel: Luke 14:25-33 Great crowds were traveling with Jesus, and he turned and addressed them, “If any one comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is…



Sisters, SMWC unveil historic district sign marker

Published on September 26, 2023

…1907. “We are committed to the ongoing care of all of these buildings. General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski poses by the new National Register of Historic Places Sign Marker with Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Interim President Brennan Randolph. “And the oldest building, The Saint Anne Shell Chapel, was consecrated in 1876,” she continued. “When you walk in, I think it does take your breath away. It is an example of our ongoing dedication to historic preservation.” Randolph echoed Sister Dawn’s sentiments….



Sister Luke Crawford

Published on April 25, 2014

…which cause us to look with special attention at what we often take for granted. A friend’s death, Luke’s death, is one such moment. To follow her path of ministry sharply reminds us of the work of the Spirit, in Luke, yes, but in each of us, said Sister Nancy Reynolds in her prepared commentary for Sister Luke Crawford, who died Friday, April 25, at Union Hospital, Terre Haute, at the age of 88. Kathryn Ann Crawford was born into…



Sister Jane Bodine (formerly Sister Janet)

Published on March 30, 2017

…in width; Jane’s however, was about 5-inches! All this to say, relax, get comfortable, as I try to do justice to the many seeds Jane scattered in her 97 years of life and 80 years in ministry as a Sister of Providence, said Sister Ann Casper in her commentary for Sister Jane Bodine, formerly Sister Janet, who died on Thursday, March 30, 2017, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She was 97 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for 80…


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