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Providence Housing Corp. completes seventh phase of expansion

Published on July 9, 2022

…Paula Modaff, Mary Montgomery and Kathleen Bernadette Smith traveled from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to West Terre Haute that day to see how Providence Housing Corporation, Inc., had completed its seventh phase of expansion. This phase included two one-bedroom units, eight two-bedroom units and an addition to the All Place Community Center. The housing corporation now has 74 total units of affordable housing to offer in West Terre Haute. The sisters who attended the open house for the new units were provided…


Gospel reflection

May 7, 2023: Fifth Sunday of Easter

Published on May 4, 2023

Gospel: John 14:1-12 Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also…



Do spirituality and technology connect?

Published on December 30, 2013

Sister Cathy Campbell Google the topics “spirituality and technology.” 54,700,000 hits will pop up on your screen in less than half a minute. Pick up the Sept.-Oct. 2013 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. The lead article reports on a futurist/scientist’s vision that by 2045 humanity likely will achieve digital immortality. Catch the evening NBC World News report on breakthroughs teachers are making in reaching autistic children through computer programs that increase their ability to concentrate. Now consider that on…



Celebrate the Light in our lives, amidst the world’s darkness, this season

Published on December 22, 2014

…18, 2012 gathering of children invited to meet Santa and receive presents by the Kiwanis Club of Terre Haute. The Dec. 14, 2014 murder of 138 Pakistani children and the entry for Christmas Day from the book “Fragments of Your Ancient Name” by Sister Joyce Rupp: Child of Bethlehem So easy to place you on a spotless pedestal, Forgetting how you came to dwell with us, Came, as all children come into the world, A small babe with bloody umbilical…



New Year’s 2012

Published on January 1, 2012

New Year’s fireworks What’s the New Year’s equivalent of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas? I’d qualify. By way of disclaimer, I do enjoy much of this holiday … a paid holiday for many workers … time with family and friends that’s not as frantic as Christmas … the sense of newness and being able to begin again … honoring Mary and her life-long fidelity to the designs of Providence. But on the other hand — the “grinchy hand,” it’s getting…



Christmas 2011

Published on December 19, 2011

…even Santa. I add — maybe even in our relationship with our Provident God … . We know we do believe in a God of compassion and presence who asks us to help others believe by bringing God’s compassion and presence into the world through our “works of love, mercy and justice.” We know that the longings of the people of Earth are often misdirected, poorly expressed, trampled on by systems of abusive power. The needs of Earth and Earth’s…



Advent 2011

Published on November 23, 2011

…Gospel reading for the first Sunday of Advent records Jesus’ admonition to us: “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.” The time for what will come? The time — in fact, the times — of the in-breaking of Emmanuel into our daily lives. We know Jesus promises that the Holy One will be always with us — to strengthen, encourage, enliven, comfort, inspire. And, like my young friend, we need to wait expectantly for…



The 2011 installation of the General Officers

Published on September 10, 2011

…a classic Alexa one-sentence wisdom-saying. Thanks, Alexa, for doing the research and prayerful thinking that wrote this reflection. And this is what she (Alexa) wrote! “How glad I would be to report ‘mission accomplished’ for the task of tracing Scriptural links to Mother Theodore’s sentiment. Not that it isn’t Biblical. In fact it is of the essence, so to speak. But I could find no specific passages, and only an occasional verse.” “Oh oh!” I sez to myself upon reading…



Father’s Day 2011

Published on June 14, 2011

Working out in my garden yesterday, I inadvertently witnessed/eavesdropped on a lovely father-child series of moments – aka father-love-in-action. A van pulled up at the fountain standing at the end of the Avenue, our “main street” if you will. A family piled out — grandparents, mom and dad — but not the toddler who was loudly and steadfastly refusing to remove herself or be removed from her car seat. I could hear her grandma coaxing and cajoling — to no…



The annual exercise of Lent

Published on March 8, 2011

…dear Lent, my friend and foe, here’s to forty days of wrestling with each other. Open me to God’s love outpoured, overflowing every day. Make of me an instrument of that love, a providence to others. Let us pray with one another, dear friends. We know we are called to be an Easter people; may it be so! The prayer of the Sisters of Providence is with you during Lent! Please pray for us! Sister Denise Wilkinson, SP General Superior…



Be merry: Christmas reflection 2010

Published on December 21, 2010

Sister Hannah Corbin shows her merry spirit in a Christmas tree sweater, while standing next to the Christmas tree. I have a fondness for the word “merry.” For years, my Christmas card complementary closing has been “Be merry!” What am I encouraging with this sign-off? “Merry” is defined as: full of fun and laughter; lively and cheerful; mirthful; conducive to fun and laughter. Remembering the definition caused me to wonder just how many merry people I know – not the…



The Days of Our Waiting – Advent 2010

Published on November 30, 2010

I find myself very taken with these ideas taken from Judy Cannato’s lovely book Field of Compassion: One way to speak of the Christian story is to say that God is always doing something more. Incomprehensible holy mystery is always giving more, revealing more communicating more. The only limit to that giving has been creation’s capacity to receive. A look back over the history of creation suggests that as our species has continued to evolve, our capacity to recognize and…


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