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Thank you for a joy-filled week

Published on March 16, 2021

…My educators were extraordinary women. I eventually became a Catholic school teacher and principal (now retired).” “Today, I wish to thank you as my benefactor. I am now in my late seventies, but I remember the exact blessed moment in the first grade when a light suddenly appeared. Sitting on a tiny chair, I recognized what Sister was talking about. Letters flew together into complete words, complete sentences. It was such a moment of sheer delight that I almost stood…



Sister Maureen Cecile Palmer

Published on July 18, 2005

…Tom Klee, brother to the late Sister Alma Therese, found this out when he was her music student in Bloomington, Ind. So through the years, he would make chocolate-chip cookies himself and bring them to her or send them with someone who was coming to the Woods,” said Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine concluded her commentary by saying, “So now, dear Sister Maureen Cecile, we send you home to your beloved whom you have served so well to hear the music…



Digging deeper: misconceptions and immigration

Published on January 14, 2015

…often unappealing to native workers because they fall into one or more of the three D’s: difficult, dirty and dangerous. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce in its compilation “Immigration: Myths and the Facts behind the Fallacies,” also explains that distinct skill sets can play a part: “… immigrants and native-born workers complement each other far more often than they compete.” In fact, the total number of jobs available in the U.S. would decrease significantly without the nation’s immigrant population. As…



O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting? – Easter 2009

Published on May 1, 2009

Whenever I stumble upon this passage from 1 Corinthians 15, I have the same knee-jerk reaction: I can go with the victory part; but death does sting. When a loved one dies, sensations of loneliness, loss, grief — sometimes even anger — sting us. Watching the news these past several days, who hasn’t felt the sting of senselessness and helplessness at the slayings of the immigrants of Binghamton, N.Y., and the suicide of the perpetrator? Violence rages across Earth. It…



Conscience, Candidates and Discipleship in Voting – Part One

Published on March 19, 2020

During a recent gathering with women and men Religious, Cardinal Blaise Cupich was asked, in light of the coming elections, what resources were available to address the deep divisions within our nation as well as divisions in our Church. His immediate reply was to mention an address given by Bishop Robert W. McElroy at the University of San Diego on Feb. 6, 2020. In this talk, Bishop McElroy moves from Pope Francis’ “Evangelii Gaudium” to relevant issues of Catholic Social…



Get to know Providence Associate Cathy Allen

Published on May 21, 2021

…the Providence Community into the future? I hope the Providence Community will continue to grow with new Providence Associates as well as new women becoming Sisters of Providence. Coming to work at PHC all those years ago was one of the best things I’ve done, and I am so thankful I was blessed to spend most of my career working in Providence Health Care. The Sisters of Providence community does so much to help those in need and to make…



Moving forward, exuding happiness: Sister Grace Marie Meehan

Published on May 12, 2022

…people’ of the Community,” someone “who exudes happiness.” United and moving forward “Cor Unum,” which means “One heart” in Latin, was a response to the call for renewal from Vatican II. It embodied the theme of this issue of HOPE, moving forward together. Sister Grace Marie, who is not ordinarily described as “little,” is a perfect example of that spirit of a united community always on the move. Both of Grace Marie’s parents came from Donegal, Ireland. She loved to…



The joy of living out my vocation to religious life

Published on November 4, 2018

…about this time — all carried black umbrellas! I immediately felt part of a community, the Sisters of Providence community! I have had a variety of ministries (teacher, principal, Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Councilor, General Treasurer and General Officer). I have also served as chief financial officer for the Sisters of Notre Dame’s Boston and Ipswich provinces. I currently minister in the finance office for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. My first year teaching I taught second grade…



My journey with Providence

Published on April 8, 2021

…and this excitement and enthusiasm about her community and its mission. The Family of Providence Providence Associate Cathy Dearing and her companion Sister Theresa Clare Carr on Cathy’s first commitment day as a Providence Associate in November 2017 So, after two years of visiting the Woods, I submitted my Providence Associate relationship application in April 2016. Once accepted, I connected with my companion, Sister Theresa Clare Carr. Together we walked the journey of my formation year using the integration units….



Oral history: Sister Patricia Geis, a life of adventures and little ones

Published on August 4, 2022

…exhibits many traits attributed to middle children: peacemaker, independent and self-motivated, easygoing, innovative, successful, a seeker of fairness, balance and justice. Both sets of her grandparents were first-generation Americans. Her paternal grandparents had come to America from Germany and her mother’s parents from Poland. Sister Patty Geis’s last name is German, although as a child she wanted to have her mother’s Polish maiden name: Cieszykowski. Sister Patty early in her religious life Young Patty grew up in a household of…



Our sisters in Asia speak: What it means to be a Sister of Providence

Published on September 24, 2020

…an ipad in 2013. Sister Donna Marie Fu: “Providence to me means God takes care of whomever, or whatever. If I put myself totally and completely in God’s Care or in His Providence, what then am I afraid of? Therefore I gave myself totally and completely to God on my very first Christmas Eve, in my very first Holy Communion. I love the Word Providence.” Education of women and the poor was the charism in the beginning years of our Sisters of…



Reflections for one of our Asian Sisters perpetual vows

Published on November 29, 2023

…the ceremony is held – in the U.S. or Taiwan. These are your very words written to me in your request to begin preparation for perpetual vows. Little did we know that you would be professing your vow in none of those places – Not in the U.S. where the whole community of Providence could have embraced you, and Not in Taiwan, where the whole community that currently seeks to support your life and mission and helped to nurture that…


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