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Providence Associates Advisory Board

You’d be amazed at all the Providence Associate Advisory Board does to support, promote and provide vision for the Providence Associate relationship. This working board, made up of the Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates below, meets three times a year under the direction of the Providence Associate director Debbie Dillow, PA, and our General Officer Liaison from the Sisters of Providence, Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein. Each advisory board member belongs to a committee that leads efforts in areas such as spirituality, strategic planning, advancing the mission, Providence Circles and more. Each board member serves four years and may choose to renew for a second four-year term. A board member rotates off the board after one or two four-year terms. The board then recommends a sister or an associate to replace them based on how the person’s gifts fit the placement being filled. First consideration is given to those who have expressed interest in serving on the board.

Are you interested in serving on the Providence Associate advisory board in the future? Email PAOffice@spsmw.org to let us know your interest.

Maureen Baca, PA

Management consultant and non-profit board leader
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Visioning and Planning Committee

Sister Terri Boland, SP

Volunteer, longtime educator and school principal
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Spirituality Committee

Adriana (Diane) Estringel, PA

Retired Registered Nurse currently serving as a substitute school nurse for her local school districts
Corpus Christi, Texas
Providence Circle Standing Committee

Diane Hartman, PA

Writer, photographer, grandma. Retired school library media specialist
Plainfield, Indiana
Communications, Marketing and Relationship Building Committee

Regina Hartman, PA

Retired library manager at The Christ Hospital Health Network
Cincinnati,  Ohio 
Communications, Marketing and Relationship Building Committee

Sister Jane Iannaccone

Spiritual Companion, longtime service in parish ministry
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Hospitality Committee

Eugene F. Majewski (Gene), PA

Retired theology teacher/campus minister
Wood Dale, Illinois
Spirituality Committee

Sandra Wickware, PA

Retired prison correctional officer, school and CASA volunteer, state board of Kairos Prison Ministry
Brazil, Indiana
Racism subcommittee

Mel Marino Wolff, PA

Retired art and drama teacher in Chicago Catholic Schools, drama club director, volunteer
Chicago, Illinois
Hospitality Committee

Support members

Amy Miranda, PA

marketing manager
Communications Marketing and Relationship Building Committee

Shawn Shamsaie, PA

director of information technology

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