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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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386 results

Type: Quotes


“We could examine at leisure the ravishing beauties unveiled before us at every turn. Sometimes we were on the heights of mountains which lost themselves in the clouds...”

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“The principal thing right now is to keep your heart uplifted...Love God with all our heart.”

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“It embarrasses them a little to have women resist them and speak to them about the law.”

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“We are not called upon to do all the good that is possible, but only that which we can do.”

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“...I believe Our Lord loves and protects these dear children, who for [God's] love live here in the midst of the thick forest.”

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“To love in the right way is to accomplish the whole Law; it is to begin that happy life which will have its perfection only in heaven, where we shall live forever with a holy and perfect love.”

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“She was all this time a good Sister of Providence, and her loss is keenly felt, by none however so deeply as by me.”

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“Charity consists in loving sincerely persons whose inclinations are most opposed to ours, in pardoning those who injure us.”

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“Treat yourself as you treat others, with kindness and indulgence.”

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“...unite our actions, however little they may be, with those of [Jesus]; unite our prayers with his prayers, our work with his work, our meals, our repose with his.”

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“On the eighth of September, fifteen years ago, the day when for the first time we received Our Divine Savior in this land of American, at that very moment, America ceased to be for me a stranger-land. It became the land of my adoption.”

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“Up to this time you have not known how to deal with a person who is in the wrong. Perhaps you are not able to do so. I must not myself require from you more than you can give.”

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Quote of the day

September 7
“Up to this time you have not known how to deal with a person who is in the wrong. Perhaps you are not able to do so. I must not myself require from you more than you can give.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin