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373 results

Type: Quotes
Author: Saint Mother Theodore Guerin


“"If faults are committed in your house, examine seriously in the presence of God whether you are not yourself the cause of them."”

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“But again I must talk about money. When will the day come that we shall be able to be occupied only with God?”

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“I can express it only to God, Who understands the language of the heart.”

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“Let us adore the designs of this good Master and be resigned to His Holy Will.”

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“Pray, be humble, be charitable, and God's blessing will be with you.”

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“Carefully guard every word; watch over yourselves that nothing imprudent may escape you and thus give the ill-disposed a reason for their complaints.”

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“There is no way of repairing what you have done but by showing … what you can do.”

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“The most painful sight I saw in New Orleans was the selling of slaves. Every day in the streets at appointed places, Negroes and Negresses in holiday attire are exposed for this shameful traffic, like the meanest animals at our fairs. This spectacle oppressed my heart.”

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“That [melancholy] is a bad disease. One has to bear with such persons and suffer; but they themselves more than anyone else.”

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“I feel as stupid as a turkey.”

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“It is very true that our whole life is one of sacrifice. Who could doubt this?”

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“Sister St. Francis is resuscitated enough to preach for the jubilee. To see if she is dead, we shall have to take a little, or even a big boy to her room and ask her about preparing him for Baptism or for Confession. If she opens neither her eyes nor her mouth, we may have the funeral in all safety.”

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin