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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
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Topic: relationships
“Those who think they are doing nothing to make others suffer are the most difficult to bear with.”
“Charity consists in loving sincerely persons whose inclinations are most opposed to ours, in pardoning those who injure us.”
“Up to this time you have not known how to deal with a person who is in the wrong. Perhaps you are not able to do so. I must not myself require from you more than you can give.”
“The heart understands the heart. As yours was speaking in your letter, mine understood its language.”
“I fully enter into your difficulties, this is the same as telling you that I suffer with you. Need I tell you that I pray for you?”
“Show kindness to them [children] and be attentive to their spiritual and physical needs.”
“To write requires time; but to love, to cherish, to pray for, through that desire we have for the happiness of our friends, time is not needed.”
“I am going to offer my prayers for you, so that the Holy Spirit will inspire and guide you.”
“For me in particular [Sister Saint Francis Xavier] was a friend that one does not lose twice in a lifetime. She filled the void left in so many instances by my failures.”
“You must try to invent means of correcting your children, but remember that the most powerful means are rewards: a kind word, an approving glance, a little gesture, is sometimes sufficient to correct what the most severe punishment would not have overcome.”
“...give a little pleasure to your poor Mother Theodore, who loves you so much, and who would like to see you perfect, but who is very far from being perfect herself.”
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