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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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6 results

Topic: morning


“A long time after the sun had disappeared the moon succeeded it, and it knew a more somber clarity; we were still there to admire the Works of Creation and to make the most serious reflections on what we beheld and on our present position.”

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“Our dear Lord has preserved us, and at this moment, eleven o'clock in the morning, everything leads us to hope that the worst is over.”

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“Make a good offering of all your actions to God in the morning, and then from time to time during the day; for instance, when the clock strikes...”

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“In the morning, say in your heart: O my God, here is another day given to me to love and serve you. Be glad of it.”

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“[Jesus] remains with us day and night, Yes, while you are peacefully sleeping, Jesus is watching over you. He does not sleep when we sleep.”

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Dawn at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

These winter days dark greets my waking, sometimes stars and moon. Flinger of stars, your power astounds. I feel so small. How like the little birds flying about, full of…

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Quote of the day

October 6
“Every evening at the same hour when the weather was calm, I went to go on deck and bless God for all the wonders of [God's] creation. I loved to consider the care of God's Providence which extends even to the little fishes.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin