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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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41 results

Topic: humility


“...I told her she had absolutely nothing to do but to place herself in the hands of God.”

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“Be humble, like your Mother [Mary], devoted like her to the interests of God and your neighbor...”

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“You know ... that the good God always makes use of nothing in order to accomplish something.”

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“One would obtain much more by demanding less...”

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“How strongly I feel it is necessary to be holy! But more strongly do I realize that I am far from being so. Obtain this grace for me...”

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“As soon as we have sinned, let us humble ourselves, ask pardon of God, and go on our way as before...”

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“...give a little pleasure to your poor Mother Theodore, who loves you so much, and who would like to see you perfect, but who is very far from being perfect herself.”

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“Truly I have great need of prayers. I am quite a grumbler.”

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“When a fault is committed in your house, examine seriously before God whether you yourself are not the cause.”

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“You must also accustom yourselves, my dear children, to bear in mind that if the faults of others displease us, ours also torment them.”

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“Yes, God truly makes use of the least likely instruments to procure [God's] glory.”

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“What would it avail you to do better than someone else, if it is from the motive of being admired?”

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Quote of the day

July 27
“Trusting all your affairs to [God] will see that all will be well.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin