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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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121 results

Topic: faith


“Humble yourself - that is very good - but do not yield to discouragement.”

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“It will be good to die like Sister did, but for that we have to live as she did. She did not think even once that she had to be judged ... she ran toward Jesus with the greatest love but without a particle of fear.”

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“A long time after the sun had disappeared the moon succeeded it, and it knew a more somber clarity; we were still there to admire the Works of Creation and to make the most serious reflections on what we beheld and on our present position.”

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“Our dear Lord has preserved us, and at this moment, eleven o'clock in the morning, everything leads us to hope that the worst is over.”

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“A Sister of Providence cannot go to heaven alone.”

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“I beg you, take today the resolution to become saints. ... Ask of God the graces you need...”

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“Oh! The Daughters of Providence must fear nothing as to their future. They must confide themselves entirely to their good Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

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“Every evening at the same hour when the weather was calm, I went to go on deck and bless God for all the wonders of [God's] creation. I loved to consider the care of God's Providence which extends even to the little fishes.”

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“What have we to do in order to be saints? Nothing extraordinary; nothing more than what we do every day. Only do it for [God's] love...”

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“...if you protect us, the work we have undertaken for the glory of God will succeed, will prosper. Of this I feel almost certain.”

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“...we can rely on [God's] assistance - assistance of which we have now greater need than ever before...”

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“Let us always have in hand our lamps burning, that we may not be surprised.”

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin