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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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9 results

Topic: equality


“Without distinction of persons, do good to all for the love of God.”

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“It embarrasses them a little to have women resist them and speak to them about the law.”

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“Yes above all things; justice, justice. If any preferences may be shown let it be to the poorest or most abandoned.”

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“Souls everywhere are equally dear to our Lord, and we are determined to consecrate our life to them.”

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“A woman said to me the other day, "You are the man of your house."”

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“Woman in this country is only yet one-fourth of the family. I hope that, through the influence of religion and education, she will eventually become at least one half — the "better half."”

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God of Surprises

Did you know that God has a playful side? If not why would God have created vast galaxies — miniscule cells, prickly bushes — lamb’s ear plants …

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A prayer of presence

Sister Ann Casper, executive director of Mission Advancement for the Sisters of Providence, shares a prayer on offering God’s presence to others.

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Sisters of Providence Litany of Nonviolence

Lea en Español 普通话 Provident God,aware of our own brokenness,we ask the gift of courageto identify how and where we are in need of conversionin order to live in solidarity…

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Quote of the day

July 27
“Trusting all your affairs to [God] will see that all will be well.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin