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15 results

Topic: education


A Prayer for Teachers during this pandemic

Give us an abundance of patience as we learn to juggle our teaching, sanitizing, distancing and masking, while trying to be attentive to the needs of our students.

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“It is astonishing that this remote solitude has been chosen for a novitiate and especially for an academy. All appearances are against it.”

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“All that you teach the children must be taught for the greater glory of God and for the good of the children.”

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“Several who have been educated in our houses, ... are now married and in society... We begin to see the good which our Congregation is doing in this country.”

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“Love the children first, and then teach them.”

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“Speak to them with respect and they will respect you and will respect themselves.”

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“Show our students how sweetly tender is the Providence of God...”

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“Woman in this country is only yet one-fourth of the family. I hope that, through the influence of religion and education, she will eventually become at least one half — the "better half."”

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“... in order to attain the perfection to which you are called, a solid foundation is required.”

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“Profit by the experiences of the past for the future.”

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“Our need for virtue is greater than for learning.”

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“Have you sometimes thought, my dear sisters, that you are called to do on Earth what our Lord [Jesus] did? He instructed and you instruct.”

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin