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18 results

Topic: earth


“"You must put into the earth everything you take out and do it faithfully."”

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“A long time after the sun had disappeared the moon succeeded it, and it knew a more somber clarity; we were still there to admire the Works of Creation and to make the most serious reflections on what we beheld and on our present position.”

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“The weather was magnificent. It seemed that heaven united with earth to add beauty to the feast. Never had I seen our solitude so charming.”

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“How truly is this part of the globe named the New World. Animals of every kind are the quiet possession of the woods; and here also are the hummingbird and a multitude of other birds.”

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“What will heaven be if our poor Earth is at times so beautiful?”

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“If you could have trees planted around the edge of your lot, I think it would be well.”

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“Have you sometimes thought, my dear sisters, that you are called to do on Earth what our Lord [Jesus] did? He instructed and you instruct.”

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Advent Poem

ADVENT journey down through the centuriesof people seeking Godto become flesh in their lives journey of people in high placesjourney of the lowly and the simplejourney of Mary and Josephjourney…

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God of Surprises

Did you know that God has a playful side? If not why would God have created vast galaxies — miniscule cells, prickly bushes — lamb’s ear plants …

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Dandelion Prayer

UnwelcomedSave by children,Dandelion,I declare youPatron flowerOf prophets. Who wouldBelieve such powerLies withinThe beautyOf your softGeometric fluffPosed to takeA rideOn the windAnd land inUninvited places?

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Daughters of the Forest

Did you ever knowWe are all on life support?Oh, I don’t mean respirators,Tubes and hospital things.I mean things like honey bees and trees,Wind and water, sun and soil,Farmers and gardeners,…

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Holy Ground

O God,I kiss this holy groundThis place of promises in processThis place of people seeking GodAnd of God seeking and saving a peopleA place of knowing one is hungryAnd of…

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin