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Sister Theresa Ann Boland

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Content written by Sister Theresa Ann


My mother’s hands: a Mother’s Day reflection

As I grew into adulthood and left home to pursue my own dreams of becoming a teacher, I realized what wonderful life lessons I learned from my mom. Especially lessons about the importance of a strong work ethic and finishing what you have started. 


Sister Theresa Ann (Terri) entered the Sisters of Providence in 1987. She has ministered as an elementary school teacher and principal. Sister Terri has taught every grade from second to eighth, but spent most of her time as a sixth grade teacher. Sister Terri considers herself an environmentalist and holds a master's degree in Earth Literary from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She is also a Master Gardener. Sister Terri loves getting down and dirty (in the Earth of course!)

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Theresa Ann, view her sister profile page.