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Suzie Ray

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Twenty-five discoveries at The Woods

Providence Associates Suzie Ray and Jane Fischer share 25 things they discovered while volunteering at The Woods earlier this month.



Life lessons from the Sisters of Providence

There was one constant during all those years — Sister Rita. I never lost touch with her and even managed to see her throughout the years. At a minimum, we would talk on the phone and catch up on each other’s lives. Every time I got off the phone with Sister Rita or visited with her, it would bring me back to Providence and those lessons learned at the Woods.


Suzie Ray became a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence in 2014. She has a bachelor's degree in computer science/psychology from Indiana State University and a masters's degree in management from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota. As a recently retired partner with Ernst & Young, LLP, Suzie is in transition spending time volunteering at hospice, quilting, hanging at the cabin and spending quality time with family and friends.