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Sisters of Providence

Content written by Sisters of Providence


Prayer for Freedom from Addictions

Drugs, alcohol and other addictions are tearing apart families, just as they tear apart our larger society. We ask that those we love see the way to their own liberation. Lord,One we love is bound by addictions and now is not truly alive, for addictions end choices, addictions end freedom.You died, Lord, so that we…



Prayer for a Strengthening of Faith for a Family Member

When a family member loses faith, a part of us is lost, too. We pray for that loved one’s return. Dear Lord, Faith is not always a constant. We live in such a noisy and troubled world that sometimes we forget what is important. You know that has happened within our family. We ask your…



At a Time of Celebration

How often do we express our gratitude for the joys in our lives? Lord, We come to you so often in need. I just want to take this quiet moment to say a special word about the good things, about the joy you have brought to our family. If I don’t stop to say it…



Prayer for a New Year

Creator God,The wheel is turning,a new year beginning,reminding us of our place in time. We are part of this world you made,not as separate bits and piecesbut as part of the beautifulwholeness of your plan. Our strength is from your mountains,our patience from your lakes, andour love is from our brothers and sisterswith whom we…



Easter Morning Prayer

Risen Jesus,A new day is born. It is your gift to us. In giving your life,you gave willingly what we could never ask. And, in so doing, you taught your worldthe meaning of love. You gave us a new beginning.You made us a resurrection people.You brought sunshine to our lives. We pray to be worthy…



A Mother’s Day Prayer

Mary,mother of Jesus,woman of Providence,you formed your child’s faithand led him to his destiny. Living your lifein a real world, as a real woman,you became a model for all women. This special day,as in all the days of my life,I ask blessings for my motherand for all women in my lifewhose own faith and carehave…



A Prayer for Father’s Day

St. Joseph,Through your goodness, faithand quiet sacrifice,you taught the meaning of fatherhood. You offered guidance,you showed the way. Thank you for those who havebrought fatherhood into my life,especially for ___________. I turn to you today,asking that you seek blessingsfor my own fatherand for all men who have touched my life.



An All Souls Remembrance

Loving God,A candle burns in my heartand warms my soul.It never flickers.It never wanes. It is the memory of those I lovewho are now at home with you. I ask youto keep them close to your heart.Keep them in the bright flameof your love. As I prepare for my own journey,help me to understand death…



Grace for a Thanksgiving Meal

Loving God,We thank you for all you have given us,family and friends,elders and children,loved ones to share the good timesand the hard times,and the freedom to make of our liveswhat we choose. At this Thanksgiving meal,we thank you for the gift of life,we remember those who hunger and thirst,and we ask your continued blessingsfor all…



God of Providence

God of Providence, lead us, lead us in your wisdom; Into fruitfulness, lead us, lead us together, lead us to freedom in your Spirit. God of Jesus Christ, lead us, lead us in your wisdom; Into your new creation lead us together, lead us to freedom in your Spirit. God who called our foundress, lead…



Prayer to the Providence of God

Written by St. Claude La Colombiere, SJ Loving and tender Providence of my God,into your hands I commend my spirit;to you I abandon my hopes and fears,my desires and repugnances,my temporal and eternal prospects. To you I commit the wants of my perishable body;to you I commit the more precious interests of my immortal soulfor…



Jubilee Prayer

Jesus, your whole life was a jubilee,bringing reconciliation and healingthrough the living water of lovewhich leads to justice, leads to peace. At this time of Jubilee, may we liveyour compassion for those who areoppressed walking with you fromGalilee to Jerusalem to challengethe structures of fear. Brother Barry Donaghue, cfc


The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.