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Sister Jeanette Lucinio

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Content written by Sister Jeanette


A smile that led to a life of love

My religious vows have offered me the freedom I needed to give all my energies to love and serve many and in various ways. Together with my sisters, who have always inspired and supported me, we have reached out wherever there has been great need. A wonder that dawned early in my mission life was that I have always received so much more in this life than I ever could give.


Sister Jeanette Lucinio currently volunteers in vocation ministry with the Sisters of Providence. She has served as director of the Office for Women Religious in the diocese of San Diego, California and taught in the department of Word and Worship at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago for 25 years. She began her ministry as a primary teacher in Catholic schools where she also worked with catechetical methods and faith formation. As a member of the team of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate, she helped to implement the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) throughout the English speaking world. For 20 summers she traveled to Lithuania to aid in rebuilding the Church there after 50 years of occupation.