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Sabrina Falls

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Content written by Sabrina


A reflection for the Epiphany of the Lord

‘Who or what are we seeking? When we find it will we recognize it?’



Making sense of warring leaders both made in God’s image

Bearing God’s image requires us to love even the Russian dictator. What does this mean for our own response to this situation? What would God have them/us do in this moment?



Let us put on love

I read somewhere that when Venus — the morning star — first appears, the atmosphere breaks its light into many different colors, like a rainbow. The glory of God is like that —it embraces all of the beautiful rainbow colors of humanity and creation, and we, as God’s people, as lovers of Jesus, celebrate this rainbow of light.

We have to be brave and we have to be vigilant, and shine this Christ-light into the darkness and share our hope with each other and all who fear or despair.

So let us speak, or write, or pray, or feed, or heal, or teach, or visit, or protest, or protect, or report, or show up, or stand up, or stand with, or go to jail, or sing, or serve, or help, or love on, or walk alongside.



From yellow star to morning star: following the light of Christ amid darkness

We have to be brave and we have to be vigilant, and shine this Christ-light into the darkness and share our hope with each other and all who fear or despair. So let us speak, or write, or pray, or feed, or heal, or teach, or visit, or protest, or protect, or report, or show up, or stand up, or stand with, or go to jail, or sing, or serve, or help, or love on, or walk alongside.



Awakening and discovering at the Providence Associates retreat

Awakening includes removing our makeup (I hope I don’t have to take that literally since I only use a little!), taking off our shoes (recognizing we stand on holy ground), and growing up (being honest with ourselves and others about how things are so we can move on). It also includes gratitude, an attitude that serves as “a portal for the Divine.” Providence Associate Sabrina Falls shares some of her experience at the Providence Associate spring retreat.


Providence Associate Sabrina Falls ministers with the Celtic harp as a certified music practitioner, providing live therapeutic music at the bedside of patients in hospitals, hospice, and homes, and for weddings, memorials, retreats, receptions, worship services, and special programs. With dual membership in the Mennonite and Friends churches, and raised in Judaism, she bridges many faith traditions, including as an associate with this Catholic congregation! Sabrina lives in Indianapolis with her husband David and dog Blossom just around the corner from her son Michael, daughter-in-law Emily and two young grandchildren.