Site author

Rosie Blankenship

Content written by Rosie


Mother, grandmother and sister?

This article is reprinted from the fall 2010 issue of HOPE. A woman can only become a Sister of Providence if she is young, has never been married and is generally willing to cut ties with her family, right? Not so fast! Sister Marilú Covani is one of several SPs who have joined the Congregation…



New statue of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin with children dedicated

All Saints Cemetery in Des Plaines, Ill., commissioned a statue from Providence Associate Teresa Clark, who is also the artist of the official Saint Mother Theodore Guerin statue recently installed at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. (A really beautiful miniature version of the official statue is available through the Linden Leaf Gifts.) The All Saints Cemetery statue features…



Providential Connections

This article is reprinted from the winter 2009 issue of HOPE. Let’s take a quiz. What do these things have in common? • An affordable and flexible Catholic college prep school • A teenager who emigrated from Nigeria and settled in Baltimore • Two married Providence Associates • Sisters of Providence teachers • And many…



Miracle place: it’s more than just a name

This article is reprinted from winter 2006 issue of HOPE. Beauty. Harmony. Balance. During a Thanksgiving meal for senior citizens at Miracle Place in Indianapolis, Sister of Providence Marilyn Herber gave a short talk about her recent study of Native American religions, which she summarized with those three words. Sister Marilyn, who is a volunteer…


Rosie Blankenship is a graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She previously served in positions for the Sisters of Providence as the web site manager and annual giving manager.