Site author

Sister Paula Damiano

Content written by Sister Paula


SP mission: alive with the times

From 1840 to 2013 our mission has remained unchanged. The expression of that mission, the way we live it out has evolved so that we can continue to serve people facing the pressing needs of the times.



Follow prayer with action

Today, the nation observes the National Day of Prayer, as it has for some 60 years. I like the idea of such a day and this year’s theme is “Hope.” What could be better? Well, you and I know there are tons of things that could be better — we could rid the country of…


Sister Paula has been a Sister of Providence since 1967. She has ministered as a teacher, director of vocations, pastoral associate and as a General Councilor for the Sisters of Providence. She currently ministers as director of programs and retreats at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.