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Sister Marianne Ridgell

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Content written by Sister Marianne


A legacy of humor, trust, patience and kindness

Another quality Mother Theodore expressed so well is kindness. She shows kindness in trying to accept not only her own difficult situation but also some personality conflicts which tried her patience.



A look back on 50 years as a Sister of Providence

My years in the Sisters of Providence community have been and continue to be such a gift. Each day is another opportunity to serve others and bring hope.


Sister Marianne Ridgell is originally from Arlington, Virginia. She entered the Sisters of Providence in 1968. She holds bachelor’s degrees in Spanish and education and master’s degrees in Spanish and in counseling. Among her ministries have been teacher, pastoral associate, Catholic Charities and staff trainer for caregivers. Her current ministry is driver/ companion at Saint Mary-of-the- Woods since 2020. Sister Marianne enjoys reading, writing poetry and walking.

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Marianne, view her sister profile page.