Site author

Kathy Shickles

Content written by Kathy


Make us ONE

Holy God,take away all hatred, prejudice and divisionand all things that interfere with what makes us ONE.May we be united in beliefs and practices of Peace, Faith, and Justice…Empower us to act as one heart and mindin this beautiful world You have created for us to live in.In Your name we pray. Amen


Kathy Shickles has been a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence since 2019. She is a member and Elder in the Disciples of Christ denomination. Kathy considers herself a lifelong learner and finds the mission and ministry of the Sisters of Providence align with her faith in a way that has produced growth in her spiritual life. Kathy lives in Indianapolis with Ron, her husband of 47 years. They have four grown children and six grandchildren, who are their pride and joy.