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Sister Jane Iannaccone

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Content written by Sister Jane


A companion in the dying and rising of daily life: Sister Jane Iannaccone

Often in my daily encounters, people are experiencing great sorrow and pain. I cannot take their pain away. However, I can be a supportive caring presence. I am willing to stay with them in their pain. I hope that through me they will experience the face of God and this will enable them to put their trust in a loving merciful God. I am mirroring for them and they to me, a God who journeys with us through our pain and suffering.


Sister Jane Iannaccone has been a Sister of Providence for more than 30 years. She holds a master’s degree in pastoral ministry and counseling. As a Sister of Providence, she has ministered as an elementary school teacher and in parish ministry. For more than 20 years she has served as a pastoral associate at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Winthrop, Massachusetts.