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Dr. Dottie King

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Faithfulness and God’s mission: a Foundation Day reflection

I find strength in the passages written by Mother Theodore that are oft quoted and perhaps even more so in the lesser-known stories of her day-to-day life. She walked the grounds of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and cared so much for the fledgling school, its students and the teachers. I believe that her prayers are still with us and perhaps with me in a special way because I now watch over the school that she created.


Dottie L. King is the 16th president of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She has been a Providence Associate with the Sisters of Providence since 2013. Dottie holds a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics and a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction/educational leadership from Indiana State University. She has delivered numerous presentations and published research on factors that encourage women to persist in their study of mathematics.