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Foundation Day gems from the past
One visit to the Sisters of Providence Archives and you are likely to be engulfed with enthusiasm like the California gold-rushers might have sensed in the middle 1800s. Truly, you will find treasures. With today being Foundation Day, a research adventure through the Congregation early diaries uncovered some little gems on Oct. 22 in years…
Something old, something new, something spiritual for you to do
If you are an ardent disciple of history, this is for you. If you like to step away and embrace spirituality, this is for you. If you like unique experiences, this is for you. The new Log Cabin Chapel at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is historical, offers a spiritual segue to peace and well-being and it certainly…
Sister Nancy Reynolds watches London Olympics with keen interest, especially swimming competition
Sister Nancy Reynolds has used a lot of her free time recently watching the Olympic competition in London; after all, she might have been an Olympian herself once. Sister Nancy grew up in Indianapolis where she learned to swim in age groups when she was about 9 or 10 years old. She was a member…
Sister Cathy Buster impresses young audience at Human Rights Day program
Sister Cathy Buster made quite an impression on her audience with her presentation at Terre Haute’s Human Rights Day program on April 10 at Indiana State University. Sister Cathy spoke about the Casa San Juan Bosco project in Arcadia, Fla., that will provide quality housing for migrant farm families left stranded by Hurricane Charley in…
Sister Kathleen Desautels featured in Chicago Tribune
Sister Kathleen Desautels, a native of Indianapolis, didn’t set out to be a leader or administrator of organized, peaceful protests. But, when four Catholic Church workers were raped and murdered in El Salvadore, Sister Kathleen said she became motivated to get involved in social justice causes. Her motivation most likely became more keen when the…
CNN shares Mother Theodore’s journey to sainthood
This article is reprinted from the summer 2012 issue of HOPE. Cable News Network (CNN) searches worldwide for intriguing stories to share with its millions of viewers. So, when CNN contacted the Congregation in October 2011 to inquire about sharing Saint Mother Theodore’s gripping journey to sainthood, the welcome mat was rolled out. CNN producer…
CNN story again features Sisters of Providence, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Whoever said our Provident God works in mysterious ways certainly was a wise observer. What made Andrew Domini channel surf during a television commercial only to find on CNN the documentary about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s path to sainthood? What prompted Andrew to make a pilgrimage walk to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for a sick friend, calling…
CNN to show documentary on Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
If you have traveled the world in search of truth, justice and the American way, or whatever else you might seek, you could be a difficult person to impress. Jen Christensen travels the world for CNN. She works as a producer in the Special Investigation and Documentary Unit. And, she’s impressed by her visits to…
Sister Diane Ris publishes new book about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Picture this: A Sister of Providence hovered over a desk in her writing room. A candle swaying delicately through currents of air as the sister works intently on her project. Sound familiar? Saint Mother Theodore Guerin did that when she documented events in her life and those special moments that were of vital importance to the fledgling Congregation…
CNN visits Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to research Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Cable News Network (CNN) producer Jen Christensen visited Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Saturday, Oct. 22, to witness the Sisters of Providence Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Fest and to do research on the Congregation’s foundress. Jen hooked up with a video specialist, Jeff from Indianapolis, and spent most of the day Saturday witnessing the Foundation Day Eucharistic Liturgy,…
First chapel to be re-created at SMW
No worries if you’re not a history buff. The re-creation of the first log cabin chapel at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods will still be cool. Several years in the making, an authentic replica of the chapel visited by Saint Mother Theodore and her five companions when they arrived from France in 1840 is under construction. A Southern…
A gadget-happy Sister
This article is reprinted from the summer 2011 issue of HOPE. Sister Joanne Golding is a self-proclaimed computer nut. So, she seems to be well connected in ministry as director of academic computing at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, even though she plans to retire at the end of the current semester. A lover of mathematics, she…
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Dave Cox was media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence for many years. Prior to his work with the sisters, he spent over 30 years in newspaper newsrooms.