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Connie McCammon

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Content written by Connie
Sandy Scroggins: Providence is ‘like a beautiful dance’
Providence Associate Sandy Scroggins of Brazil, Ind., has worked side-by-side with the Sisters of Providence since 1994 when she was employed in the Congregation’s Mission Advancement office. Today Sandy serves as a major gifts associate/donor relations staff member. Married for 25 years, Sandy and her husband, Gary, have four grown children, the youngest of whom…
Sister Carole: a witness of hope
Taking care of an parent who is elderly — Providence Associate Companion Sister Carole Kimes knows first-hand the reality of this experience. One of 11 children, Sister Carole resides in Indianapolis with her 85-year-old father, Bob. “My primary ministry for the past few years has been and continues to be care of my parents and…
Jenny Nowalk: getting closer to Mother Theodore
1.) Share with us a little about yourself. I live in Culver, Ind. I have been married for 32 years this June. My husband, Bob, and I have five children and two sons-in-law and one grand puppy, a Golden Retriever, like our own dog. Our married daughters and our sons-in-law live in Rochester, N.Y., and…
Lorraine Kirker: ‘the early stage of a journey’
1.) Share with us a little about yourself. I live on Whidbey Island in Washington state. Whidbey is a long (about 52 miles in length) and narrow (about four miles at its widest) island north of Seattle. It is connected to the mainland by a bridge on the north and two ferries, one on the…
Questions for a spiritual director
Connie Schnapf, a Providence Associate from Newburgh, Ind., sought spiritual direction many years ago because she desired a deeper relationship with God. After much discernment, Connie, who serves as the director of religious education at St. John the Baptist Parish, Newburgh, decided to pursue certification to become a spiritual director herself. For the last four…
Sister Sue: learning and growing as a companion
Sister Sue Paweski, who resides in Chicago, is a companion to Providence Candidate-Associate Lorraine Kirker of Coupeville, Wash. Sister Sue is the Alumnae Relations manager and major gifts associate in the Mission Advancement office. 1.)Why did you want to be a companion? The Providence Associates Relationship is a powerful way for the Sisters of Providence…
Sheila Schroder: Be Proud of Who You Are
“You can do whatever you want, be whoever you want. You have to work hard and study hard.” Sheila Schroeder often heard these words from her father while growing up in Indianapolis. As a young Asian-American girl living in the Midwest, Sheila needed to hear these words often. Born in Tokyo to a German-American father,…
Susan “Sue” Weber: achieving an inner wholeness
1.) Share a little about yourself. I live in Bluffton, S.C. (about 25 miles from Savannah, Georgia and 10 miles from Hilton Head Island). Prior to moving here we lived in Indianapolis for 35 years. My husband, Greg, and I have three grown daughters and one “perfect” grandson, Andrew (almost 3 years old). I am…
Former aspirant remembers Tiny Tim
The Web article on Tiny Tim definitely caused more than a little talk. It prompted Barbara (Kovats) Tuttle of Temple Terrace, Fla., to submit the photo at right to Archivist Sister Mary Ryan. From 1959 to 1961, Barbara attended the Providence Juniorate/Aspirancy. She took this photo of Tiny Tim one day long ago.
Tiny Tim: security at the Woods
For 48 years, Andrew “Tiny Tim” O’Dwyer was the face of security at the motherhouse and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. A large-statured man, Andrew hailed from County Galway, Ireland. During his long tenure at the Woods, Tiny Tim came to know many sisters and generations of students. Coming to the United States in 1906, Tiny Tim…
Ciboria from Mother Theodore’s time
See photos below Deep in the stacks of the Sisters of Providence Archives is a wonderful treasure of ciboria used during the time of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. A ciborium (singular form of ciboria) is a covered vessel for holding the consecrated hosts of Holy Communion. The ciboria featured below were used either in the…
Joanna Hosteny: Just Like Family
If you’d ask Joanna Hosteny of Chicago why she supports the Sisters of Providence, her answer would likely be because they are like family. Yes, her aunt, the late Sister Irma Clare Irwin, was a Sister of Providence for 77 years. Yes, Joanna was taught by the sisters at St. Leo Grade School, Chicago. So…
Connie McCammon worked in the communications office for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.