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Sister Ann Margaret O'Hara

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Content written by Sister Ann Margaret


Looking racism in the eye: there is still much to do

My home town was a small city that did not permit African-Americans within the city limits after dark. The deed to our house did not allow us to sell our house to anyone of African-American descent.



A view from the other side of health care

On July 7, 2017, I experienced an event that changed my life. During heart surgery for mitral valve repair, I had a stroke. It was completely unexpected, leaving me in a situation I never imagined and for which I was completely unprepared.


Sister Ann Margaret has been a Sister of Providence for 64 years. She has ministered in education and administration, including serving in elected leadership as General Superior of the Sisters of Providence. Today she lives in Providence Hall at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Ann Margaret, view her sister profile page.