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Found 5039 Results


A new start in the Providence Community

Published on October 28, 2020

So, what brought these diverse women and men to seek something more with the Sisters of Providence?

Some said that as alums of former Sisters of Providence schools they were reconnecting with their roots.

One told how he had come to the Woods for a retreat and was inspired by what he saw.

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“Journals and Letters” week 3: At sea in 1840

Published on October 25, 2020

I love the many instances where she studies and describes an animal for the reader. She tells of the whale’s massive head, as big as a house. The dark brown color of its back and how it spouts out water apparently by respiration as its jets are so regular.

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Congregation supports faith leaders’ election integrity statement

Published on October 23, 2020

We support the many faith leaders from across the country who have signed this statement regarding the integrity, safety, and fairness in the 2020 election

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To Mother Theodore and companions

Published on October 22, 2020

You look on us amazed, as women will
at daughters growing generations after
them. We are all this century knows
of any value in your venturing
into a wilderness where Christ was
waiting for you …

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Sister Rosemary Ward (formerly Sister Sebastian)

Published on October 21, 2020

We gather today to remember our dear Sister Rosemary Ward, who left us so suddenly. Just why I chose these readings (Ephesians 3:14-19; Psalms 34; John 15:12, 15-17) will, I…

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“Journals and Letters” week 2: The voyage begins

Published on October 18, 2020

The sea journey seems doomed from the moment they boarded. Thieves, seasickness and bad weather with the added addition of not speaking English and being on an “American” ship, all contribute to a wretched start.

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Sister Dorothy Drobis (formerly Sister Irene Therese)

Published on October 16, 2020

“She generously shared stories about her childhood, and her decision to become a nun. I was in awe of her strength and convictions.”

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Join us in reading the “Journals and Letters” of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Published on October 11, 2020

To celebrate Mother Theodore’s life and many accomplishments that continue even today, we will be revisiting her own words by reading Journals and Letters over the course of a year. Each week we’ll read several pages and reacquaint ourselves with the woman who started it all. Won’t you join us?

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Twenty-six days until Election Day: Get out and Vote!

Published on October 9, 2020

Stay safe! Exercise your right and responsibility to vote! Let your voice be heard! Our democratic life depends on our votes!

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Sisters of Providence teachers pass on a legacy of caring

Published on October 7, 2020

At the time, Brian Eckstein was unaware of the impact having Sisters of Providence as teachers would have on him as he got older. But when he and his wife,…

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Prayer for suicide loss survivors

When I am in shock, please God help me to just keep breathing.
When I am numbed out, please let others reach in to touch my heart.
When I am in denial, give me the grace to accept what is true.

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A Reflection on the Feast Day of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Published on October 5, 2020

It is her heart and the witness of her life that gives me solace and comfort at times like these.

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