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Recognizing Hunger Action Month

Did you know that …

September is Hunger Action Month and that the first Friday in September is designated as National Food Bank Day? This serves to raise the awareness of the issue of food insecurity and how food banks and food pantries help families who struggle to put food on their tables.

Sister Lawrence Ann Liston greets a patron at Providence Food Pantry in West Terre Haute.

Did you know that …

One in six persons in our area experience food insecurity and more than 10,000 children lack the proper nutrition needed to succeed in school?

Thousands of senior citizens often need to choose between their needed medicine and nutritious food.

There are many multi-generational families on our area in which the bread winner(s) need to stretch their food budget to serve even more people at their kitchen tables.

How are these needs being addressed?

Many counties have multiple food banks and food pantries. For example, Vigo County is home to Terre Haute Catholic Charities (THCC) Foodbank which has served people in need of good food for well over 40 years.

THCC has more than 50 partner agencies for whom they provide some food items. They also coordinate the Feeding America Program through which the local grocery stores provide food for distribution.

Providence Food Pantry, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence located in West Terre Haute, is grateful for a 30-year partnership with the Catholic Charities Foodbank.

Providence Food Pantry is open the first four Thursdays of each month from 8-10:30 a.m. Because we are a USDA pantry, we serve any resident of Vigo County. We provide meat and potatoes, cereal and milk, pasta and sauce, peanut butter and jelly, many canned food items as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, bread and eggs.

We prioritize human interaction with our families and providing some nutritious food.

Since Providence Food Pantry opened on Sept. 8, 1994, we have served about 13 million meals to the 318,500 individuals who have come through our doors.

We are honored to work to address the food insecurity of our friends and neighbors in the Wabash Valley.

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Sister Maureen Fallon

Sister Maureen Fallon

Sister Maureen entered the Congregation in 1977. Currently, she ministers as the director of Providence Food Pantry and prior to that, she served as the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction at Bishop McNamara Catholic School in Kankakee, Illinois.

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  1. Avatar Paula Modaff on September 6, 2024 at 9:40 am

    Thank you, Maureen, and all who care so faithfully for our hungry sisters and brothers. You are sharing in the ministry of Jesus Christ.

  2. Avatar Steve Modde on September 6, 2024 at 10:33 am

    God’s Kingdom of love and care is obvious as described in this article! Thanks!

  3. Avatar Deb Griffey on September 6, 2024 at 11:46 am

    Thank you, Maureen. Such a wonderful blessing for our neighbors.

  4. Avatar Sister Mary Tomlinson on September 6, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    Thank you, Maureen for such an informative piece. You do a wonderful work.

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