We offer a joyful, heartfelt welcome to our 21 new Providence Associates who made their first commitments as Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence on Saturday, Oct. 8., 2022, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Twenty-three other associates renewed their commitments during the ceremony. We are so blessed to have these companions living out the mission of love, mercy and justice with us.
Joining us as new associates are, in group photo (front row, from left) Susan Yochum, Theresa Stinson, Kara Wilson, Cynthia Chapa Garcia, Ann Clem, Marilyn Antonik, (second row, from left) Della Gunning, Tara Ronda, Tracy Van Auken, Laura Tucker, Lisa Collins, Janet Roth and Michael Tosick, (third row, from left) Co-Director Sister Susan Paweski, Brenda Kyle, Martha Pluckebaum, Felicia Tiritilli-Davis, Sheila Lauck, Diane Orr-Schafer and Co-Director Debbie Dillow, and (back row, from left) Mary Ellen Savage and Elyse Turula.
Are you interested in joining the Providence Community as a Providence Associate? Learn more or request an application here.
New Providence Associates 2022! Front row from left: Susan Yochum, Theresa Stinson, Kara Wilson, Cynthia Chapa Garcia, Ann Clem, Marilyn Antonik. Second row from left: Della Gunning, Tara Ronda, Tracy Van Auken, Laura Tucker, Lisa Collins, Janet Roth and Michael Tosick. Back row from left, Co-Director Sister Susan Paweski, Brenda Kyle, Martha Pluckebaum, Felicia Tiritilli-Davis, Sheila Lauck, Diane Orr-Schafer, and Co-Director Debbie Dillow. At top, Mary Ellen Savage and Elyse Turula.
Providence Associate Alice Shelton, left, has companioned newly committed Providence Associate Susan Yochum over the past year.
New Providence Associate Laura Tucker, center visits with Siser Mary Ann McCauley, left and guests after the ceremony.
All those gathered bless the new Providence Associates.
General Officer Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein and Providence Associate Chuck Fisher join all those gathered in blessing the new Providence Associates.
New Providence Associate Cynthia Chapa Garcia carries the book of readings in the entrance procession.
New Providence Associates Elyse Turula, Sheila Lauck and Della Gunning carry up the altar cloth.
Providence Associate Ann Henderson with Theresa Stinson, the new Providence Associate she has companioned over the past year.
New Providence Associates Marilyn Antonik and Ann Clem carry candles in the entrance procession.
General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski receives the commitment card from new Providence Associate Michael Tosick.
Sister Terri Boland with new Providence Associates Brenda Kyle
Father Terry Johnson blesses the new Providence Associate crosses held by Providence Associates Sandy Wickware and Marilyn Rausch.
New Providence Associate Kara Wilson and Sister Norene Wu smile during the liturgy.
Sister Diane Mason and the new Providence Associate she has campanioned over the past year Mary Ellen Savage
Providence Associate Co-Directors Debbie Dillow and Sister Susan Paweski during the liturgy.
New Providence Associate Diane Orr-Schafer and her Sister of Providence companion Sister Barbara McClelland
Greeter Providence Associate Sharon Maronski laughs with Sister Dawn Tomaszewski
New Providence Associates from Greenwood, Indiana. From left Tracey Van Auken, Felicia Tiritilli-Davis, Sheila Lauck, their Providence Associate companion Adrienne Bates-Brown and Martha Pluckebaum
New Providence Associate Susan Yochum at prayer.
New Providence Associate Elyse Turula, right, with her SP companion Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, left, and her sister Sister Pam Pauloski, center.
Those gathered applaud the new Providence Associates.
New Providence Associate Lisa Collins prays during the liturgy.
Sister of Providence Rosemary Nudd prays over her Providence Associate companion Tara Ronda.
New Providence Associate Janet Roth during the liturgy.
Providence Associate Adrienne Bates-Brown pins the Providence Associate pin on Martha Pluckebaum
Sister Jean Fuqua and the new Providence Associate she has comapanioned the past year, Marilyn Antonik.
23 Providence Associates renewed their commitments at the ceremony.
PA Bonnie Wilson renews her commitment.
Sister Mary Ann McCauley and her new Providence Associate companion Laura Tucker
It was a glorious day! Gathering with the Providence Community brings joy and energy to all of us. Congratulations to our Providence Associates!
Beautiful day and ceremony. Welcome therewith PAs
My heartfelt welcome to all of you. I am so happy you are among us on our Prvidence journey. Your smiles are worth a thousand words in celebrating this day .
Oh my goodness! Yes is was a beautiful time gather and share the feelings of joining a strong community of love, mercy and justice. I look forward to many years that Provident God will plan for me to continue the mission of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Blessings to all
My belated but sincere congratulations and good wishes to Susan Yochum, whom I knew briefly in Illinois. I’m so glad you are where you wanted to be.
I (belatedly) would like to congratulate Marilyn Antonik, whom I am certain will be blessed by and benefit from the wisdom of her companions in living out the mission of love, mercy and justice.