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Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
Twenty-three Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., are celebrating Senior Jubilees this year.
60-year Jubilarians

Sister Kathleen Desautels is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer for human rights organizations in Chicago.
Sister Kathleen, formerly Sister Mary Colleen, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Joan of Arc Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in religious education administration from La Salle University.
Her ministries include:
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Teacher, St. Mary Village School (1964),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1965-68),
* Linton, Ind.: Teacher/Coordinator of Religious Education, St. Peter (1968-70),
* Bloomington, Ind.: Director of Religious Education/Pastoral Associate, St. John the Apostle Parish (1970-73),
* Jasper, Ind.: Director of Religious Education, St. Joseph (1973-75),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Religious Education Consultant/Theology Instructor (1975-76),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Theology Instructor/Campus Ministry/Acting Vice President of Student Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1976-82),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Director of Alumnae Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1983-85),
* Indianapolis: Prison Chaplain/CPE Student, St. Joan of Arc Parish (1985-86),
* Chicago: Staff Person, 8th Day Center for Justice (1986-2002),
* Greenville, Ill.: Prisoner of Conscience, Federal Prison Camp of Greenville (2002-03), and
* Chicago: Staff Person/Justice Promoter for Sisters of Providence, 8th Day Center for Justice (2003-18).
Sister Thomas Jeanne Doriot is a native of Fort Wayne, Ind. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Thomas Jeanne entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1960, from St. Patrick Parish, Fort Wayne. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and also has a master’s degree in English from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1962-64),
* Evanston, Ill.: Teacher, Marywood (1964-66),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Chartrand (1966-69),
* Evanston, Ill.: Journalist, Pioneer Press (1969-71),
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Journalist, The News Sentinel (1971-72),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Public Relations/Journalism, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1972-75),
* Orange, Calif.: Teacher, Marywood (1978-79),
* Henderson, Nev.: Associate Director, Home for Juvenile Girls, Nevada Catholic Welfare Bureau (1979-83),
* Las Vegas, Nev.: Pastoral Associate, Guardian Angel Cathedral (1983-87),
* Sacramento, Calif.: Associate Editor, The Catholic Herald (1987-92),
* Bakersfield, Calif.: Director of Health Services/Director of Religious Education, Bakersfield Catholic Charities/San Clemente Mission (1992),
* Bakersfield, Calif.: Director of Religious Education, San Clemente Mission (1993-97),
* Los Angeles: Paralegal for Archdiocesan Tribunal of Los Angeles (1998-99),
* Los Angeles: Administrative Assistant to Executive Director, Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters (1999-2005),
* Santa Monica, Calif.: Administrative Associate, Saint John Health Center Foundation (2006-09),
* Santa Monica, Calif.: Outreach Ministry, Providence St. John Health Center (2010-15), and
* Los Angeles: Residential Services (2015-19).
Sister Rose Ann Eaton is a native of Vincennes. Currently, she ministers as a facilities management volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Rose Ann, formerly Sister Francile, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. John Baptist Parish, Vincennes. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Marian University with a bachelor’s degree in education psychology and also has a master’s degree in elementary education administration from Indiana University. Sister Rose Ann also has a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Loyola University.
Her ministries include:
* West Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, St. Leonard (1964-65),
* Newburgh, Ind.: Teacher, St. John (1965-67),
* Evansville, Ind.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1967-68),
* Newburgh, Ind.: Teacher/Principal, St. John (1968-74),
* Chicago: Director of Postulants, Maternity BVM, Sisters of Providence (1975-82),
* Indianapolis: Director of Postulants, St. Joan of Arc, Sisters of Providence (1982-83),
* Chicago: Co-Provincial, St. Joseph Province (1983-87),
* Boonville, Ind.: Pastoral Associate/Director of Religious Education, St. Clement Parish (1987-91),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Council, General Administration, Sisters of Providence (1991-2001),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Associate Director, Facilities Management, Sisters of Providence (2002-12), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Administrative Assistant, Facilities Management, Sisters of Providence (2012-14).
Sister Teresina Grasso is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a coordinator, practitioner and volunteer for the Reiki Wellness Clinic in Chicago.

Sister Teresina entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1960, from St. Leo Parish, Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education.
Her ministries include:
* West Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, St. Leonard (1964),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Teacher, Corpus Christi (1964-66),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Agnes (1966-67),
* Chicago: Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows (1967-69),
* Chicago: Graduate Assistant, DePaul University (1969-71),
* Chicago: Co-Director, Urban Apostolate (1971-76),
* Chicago: Chaplain Intern, Lutheran General Hospital (1976-77),
* Chicago: Pastoral Associate, Mercy Hospital and Medical Center (1977-79),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Dean of Admissions, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1979-82),
* Chicago: Pastoral Care Coordinator, St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish (1982-85),
* Boston: Counselor/Financial Office Work, Pine Street Inn (1986-87),
* Boston: Purchasing Agent, Pine Street Inn (1987-88),
* Brighton, Mass.: Rental Manager, Commonwealth Development (1988-91),
* Braintree, Mass.: Assistant Coordinator of Subsidized Housing/Resident Services Coordinator/Director of Resident Services, Corcoran Management Co. (1991-2005),
* Chicago: Associate Director, Catholic Theological Union (2006-08),
* Elmwood Park, Ill.: Coordinator, Reiki Clinic (2008-09),
* Elmwood, Park, Ill.: Hospice Volunteer (2009),
* Melrose Park, Ill.: Chaplain/Bereavement Coordinator/Volunteer Coordinator, Gottlieb Hospice Services (2010-15), and
* Melrose Park, Ill.: Chaplain/Bereavement Coordinator/Volunteer Coordinator, Loyola Medicine Home Care (2015-16).
Sister Marie McCarthy is a native of Chicago Heights. Currently, she ministers as the Associate Director of Programs for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Silver Spring, Md.

Sister Marie entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Liborius Parish, Steger, Ill. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in music and also has a master’s degree in piano from Butler University. Sister Marie also has a master’s degree in theology/psychology from Catholic Theological Union and a doctorate in religious psychological studies from the University of Chicago.
Her ministries include:
* New Albany, Ind.: Teacher, Holy Family (1965-67),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Bridget and St. Thomas Aquinas (1967-82),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Public Schools (1972-74),
* Indianapolis: Effectiveness Training/Teacher/Parish Ministry, Lawson Association and Holy Spirit Parish (1974-75),
* Chicago: Pastoral Psycho Therapist, University of Chicago/Center for Religious Psychotherapy (1981-82),
* Chicago: Assistant Professor/Staff Trainer, Catholic Theological Union, Center for Religious Psychology (1982-87),
* Chicago: Associate Professor/Senior Staff/Provincial Councilor, Catholic Theological Union/St. Joseph Province (1987-91),
* Chicago: General Councilor/Adjunct Associate Professor, Sisters of Providence, Catholic Theological Union, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1991-96),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Scholar in Residence/Associate Adjunct Professor, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1996-97),
* Decatur, Ga.: Visiting Professor, Columbia Theological Seminary (1997-98),
* Chicago: Pastoral Psychotherapist/Associate Professor, Center for Religion and Psychotherapy (1998-2001), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Councilor, Sisters of Providence (2001-11).
Sister Shawn Marie McDermott is a native of Medford, Mass. Currently, she ministers as a hospice volunteer and ministers to the homebound for Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice, Inc., in Malden, Mass.

Sister Shawn Marie entered the Congregation on Feb. 1, 1960, from Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University. Sister Shawn Maris also has a master’s of arts in religious education from Boston University.
Her ministries include:
* Whiting, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1964-66),
* Fayetteville, N.C.: Teacher, St. Patrick School (1966-68),
* Stoneham, Mass.: Teacher, St. Patrick School (1968-76),
* Durham, N.H.: Director of Religious Education, St. Thomas More Parish (1976-82),
* Malden, Mass.: Substitute Teacher (1982-85),
* Peabody, Mass.: Pastoral Associate, St. John Baptist Parish (1985-89),
* West Medford, Mass.: Teacher, St. Raphael School (1990-98), and
* Arlington, Mass.: Teacher, St. Agnes School (1998-2010).
Sister Mary Moloney is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice and as a spiritual director at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Mary, formerly Sister Mary John, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Hilary Parish, Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and also has a master’s degree in mathematics from Brown University. Sister Mary also has a master’s degree in religious studies from Mundelein University and another master’s degree in Earth Literacy from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Her ministries include:
* Clarksville, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1965-68),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Ladywood High School (1968-69),
* Providence, R.I.: Part-time Teacher (1969-70),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Ladywood-St. Agnes (1970-73),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Education, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1973-75),
* Indianapolis: Clinical Pastoral Education, I.U. Medical Center (1975-76),
* McAlester, Okla.: Pastoral Minister, Southeast Pastoral Team (1976-81),
* Durant, Okla.: Pastoral Minister/Campus Minister, St. William Parish (1981-83),
* Norridge, Ill.: Director of Evangelization, Divine Savior Parish (1983-84),
* Bloomington, Ind.: Member of Pastoral Team, St. Paul Catholic Center (1984-89),
* Lacrosse, Wis.: Staff/Program Director, Franciscan Spirituality Center (1990-91),
* La Crescent, Minn.: Spiritual Direction (1991-92),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Spiritual Direction (1992-93),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Spiritual Director, Center for Counseling and Human Development (1993-94),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Spiritual Director, Center for Psychotherapy and Spirituality (1994-96),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Spiritual Director, Green Connections (1996),
* Canada: Spiritual Program (1997),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Spiritual Director, Green Connections (1997-98),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Spiritual Direction/Retreats, Life Journeys/Green Connections (1998-2000),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Hospice Chaplain, Carter Hospice/Life Reflections/Green Connections (2000),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Chaplain, Carter Hospice/Green Connections (2000-07),
* Oklahoma City, Okla.: Chaplain/Spiritual Director, Mercy Health Center/Green Connections/Okla. Heart Hospitals (2008-12), and
* Red Rock, Okla.: Spiritual Director/Board Member, Green Connections (2012-18).
Sister Andre Panepinto is a native of Joliet, Ill. Currently, she ministers as a driver and in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Andre entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Anthony Parish, Joliet, Ill. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and also has a master’s degree in elementary education from Illinois State University.
Her ministries include:
* Chicago: Teacher, Maternity BVM (1965-68),
* Galesburg, Ill.: Teacher, Immaculate Heart (1968-72),
* Galesburg, Ill.: Teacher/Principal, Costa Catholic (1972-80),
* Lockport, Ill.: Principal, St. Dennis (1980-87),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Director, Learning Resource Center, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1988-92),
* Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose School (1992-95),
* Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose School (2008-2013),
* Boston: Substitute Teacher/Volunteer, Massachusetts General Children’s Hospital (2013-15), and
* River Grove, Ill.: Convent Service (2015-18).
Sister Mary Grace Pesavento was born in Asiago, Italy. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Mary Grace, formerly Sister Ann Grace, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Dennis Parish, Lockport, Ill. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and also has a master’s degree in Spanish from Ball State University.
Her ministries include:
* Chicago: Teacher, Providence High School (1965-68),
* Manchester, Mo.: Teacher, John F. Kennedy High School (1968-69),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: House of Prayer (1969-70),
* Chicago: Teacher, Providence-St. Mel (1970-71),
* River Grove, Ill.: Teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1971-73),
* Washington, Ind.: Teacher, Washington Catholic High School (1973-74),
* Washington, D.C.: Teacher, Immaculata Prep (1974-75),
* Indianapolis: Director of Membership Services, Resort Cond. International (1975-78),
* Indianapolis: Service, Fatima Retreat House (1978),
* Vincennes, Ind.: Gift Making/Ministry to Sick/Translations (1981-87),
* Indianapolis: Gift Making/Ministry to Sick (1987-90),
* Greenwood, Ind.: Gift Making (1991-92),
* Clinton, Ind.: Gift Making (1992),
* Terre Haute, Ind.: Gift Making/Prison Ministry to Spanish speaking/Volunteer Service (1992-96), and
* Terre Haute, Ind.: Gift Making (1996-99).
Sister Nancy Reynolds is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as a canonical consultant and appointed prioress of the Carmelite Nuns in Louisville.

Sister Nancy, formerly Sister Ann Carita, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and also has a master’s degree in mathematics from the University of Nebraska. Sister Nancy also has Licentiate of Canon Law from the Catholic University of America.
Her ministries include:
* Clarksville, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1965-66),
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, Central Catholic High School (1966-69),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Roncalli High School (1969-70),
* Lincoln, Neb.: Teaching Graduate Assistant, University of Nebraska (1970-71),
* Clarksville, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1971-78),
* Evansville, Ind.: Auditor/Advocate/Notary/Secretary, Diocese of Evansville (1978-81),
* Evansville, Ind.: Auditor/Advocate/Assistant to Officials, Diocese of Evansville (1981-84),
* Evansville, Ind.: Assistant to Judicial Vicar/Judge/Defender of Bond, Tribunal, Diocese of Evansville (1984-87),
* San Francisco: Associate Director/Judge/Defender of the Bond, Tribunal, Archdiocese of San Francisco (1987-93),
* San Francisco: Associate Director/Judge, Tribunal, Archdiocese of San Francisco (1993-94),
* San Francisco: Associate Director/Judge/Adjunct Professor of Canon Law, Tribunal, Archdiocese of San Francisco (1994-99),
* San Francisco: Associate Director/Judge, Tribunal, Archdiocese of San Francisco (1999-2001),
* San Bruno, Calif.: Canonical Consultation and Adjunct Professor of Canon Law, Home/Office (2001),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Councilor, Sisters of Providence (2001-11),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Treasurer, Sisters of Providence (2011-13), and
* Louisville: Canonical Consultant (2013-17).
Sister Maureen Sheahan is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers in convent service and child care at Northlake, Ill.

Sister Maureen, formerly Sister John Maureen, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Angela Parish, Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in history and also has a master’s degree in secondary education administration from Ball State University.
Her ministries include:
* Palos Heights, Ill.: Teacher, St. Alexander (1965-69),
* St. Louis: Teacher/Principal, Our Lady of Providence (1969-1980),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Angela (1980-83),
* Chicago: Principal, St. Francis Borgia (1983-92),
* Norridge, Ill.: Principal, Divine Savior School (1992-2005), and
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Eugene School (2006-2009).
Sister Barbara Sheehan is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as the Executive Director and ACPE Certified Educator, Accreditation Visitor and Spiritual Director for Urban CPE Consortium, Inc., in Chicago.

Sister Barbara, formerly Sister Marie Barbara, entered the Congregation on Sept. 12, 1960, from St. Andrew Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1968.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and also has a master’s degree in theology from Xavier University. Sister Barbara also has a master’s of divinity degree in theology from Presbyterian Theology Seminary.
Her ministries include:
* Vincennes, Ind.: Teacher, St. Rose High School (1965-66),
* Terre Haute, Ind.: Teacher, Terre Haute Schulte High School (1966-70),
* Galesburg, Ill.: Teacher, Costa Catholic High School (1970-71),
* Louisville: Medical Technologist, International Clinical Lab (1972-73),
* Louisville: Medical Technologist, Jewish Hospital (1973-75),
* Louisville: Assistant Supervisor Pathology Lab, Jewish Hospital (1975-77),
* Louisville: Administrator, Department of Pathology/Chaplain, Jewish Hospital (1977-81),
* Covington, Ky.: Associate Chaplain, St. Elizabeth Medical Center (1981-83),
* Covington, Ky.: Chaplain, CPE Supervisor, St. Elizabeth Medical Center (1983-95), and
* Chicago: Director/ACTS Urban CPE, Chicago Theology Seminary (1995-2005).
Sister Ann Stephen Stouffer is a native of Wabash, Ind. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Ann Stephen entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1960, from St. Francis Xavier, Pierceton, Ind. She professed first vows on Aug. 15, 1962, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1967.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and earned her master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village School (1963-64),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Angela (1964-66),
* Fort Wayne: Teacher, St. Jude (1966-69),
* Brownsburg: Teacher, St. Malachy (1969-75),
* Gardena, Calif.: Teacher, St. Anthony (1975-85),
* Hollywood, Calif.: Teacher, St. Ambrose (1987-88),
* Gardena, Calif.: Principal, St. Anthony (1988-2007),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Director of Residential Life, Administrator of Providence Hall (2008-15),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Volunteer, Residential Service Ministry (2016-19).
70-year Jubilarians
Sister Eileen Rose Bonner is a native of Whiting, Ind. Currently, she ministers in the Parish Bereavement Committee at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Louisville, and as a volunteer knitter for White Violet Center for Eco-Justice.

Sister Eileen Rose entered the Congregation on Jan. 8, 1950, from Sacred Heart Parish, Whiting. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University.
Her ministries include:
* Norwood Park, Ill.: Teacher, Immaculate Conception (1952-56),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Holy Family (1956-57),
* Vincennes, Ind.: Teacher, St. Francis Xavier (1957-63),
* Indianapolis: Principal, Immaculate Heart (1963-64),
* Indianapolis: Teacher/Principal, Immaculate Heart (1964-69),
* Indianapolis: Superior Principal, Immaculate Heart (1968-69),
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. Jude (1969-70),
* Indianapolis: Principal, St. Luke (1973-75),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Nativity (1975-77),
* Louisville: Hospital Chaplain, SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital (1978-97),
* Louisville: Chaplain, Caritas Medical Center (1998-2002),
* Louisville: Spiritual Support, Kentuckiana Cancer Institute (2002-08),
* Louisville: GED Tutor, Jefferson County Public Schools (2008-09),
* Louisville: Volunteer, Kentuckiana Cancer Institute (2009-10),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Knitter, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice (2009-12),
* Louisville: Volunteer, Soup Kitchen, Old St. Paul’s and Catholic Charities English as a Second Language (2010-12),
* Louisville: Volunteer, St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen (2012-15),
* Louisville: Volunteer/Tutor (2015-17), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Knitter, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice (2015-17).
Sister Rosemary Borntrager is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Linden Leaf Gifts at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Rosemary, formerly Sister Rose Cecile, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1950, from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1958.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in art and also has a master’s degree in art from Catholic University of America. She also has an additional master’s degree in education administration from Northern Illinois University.
Her ministries include:
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, Cathedral School (1953-56),
* Indianapolis: teacher, St. Patrick (1956),
* Greenwood, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Greenwood (1956-57),
* Lockport, Ill.: Teacher, St. Dennis (1957),
* Lockport, Ill.: Teacher, St. Dennis (1958-61),
* Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1961-66),
* Evanston, Ill.: Teacher, Marywood (1966-69),
* Evanston, Ill.: Teacher/Assistant Principal, Marywood (1969-70),
* St. Louis: Teacher/Assistant Principal, John F. Kennedy High School (1971-73),
* Orange, Calif.: Principal, Marywood (1973-80),
* Joliet, Ill.: Assistant Superintendent Teacher Personnel Catholic School Office, Diocese of Joliet (1980-93),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Archivist Assistant, Sisters of Providence (1993-97),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Secretary, Sisters of Providence (1997-2006), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Volunteer, Sisters of Providence (2007-present).
Sister Theresa Clare Carr is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer for The Helping Hands and Providence Food Pantry, both in West Terre Haute, Ind.

Sister Theresa Clare entered the Congregation on Jan. 8, 1950, from St. Patrick Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1952-53),
* Lafayette, Ind.: Teacher, St. Mary (1953-57),
* Chicago: Teacher, Our Lady of Mercy (1957-62),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Holy Family (1962-63),
* Van Nuys, Calif.: Teacher, St. Elisabeth (1963-66),
* Greenfield, Ind.: Teacher, St. Michael (1966-67),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Matthew (1967-77),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Nativity (1977-2002), and
* Indianapolis: Substitute Teacher, CCD Teacher, Southside Catholic Schools (2002-2017).
Sister Jacquelyn Hoffman is a native of Fort Wayne, Ind. Currently, she has a music ministry at Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Jacquelyn, formerly Sister Theodata, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1950, from St. John Baptist Parish, Fort Wayne. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in music and also has a master’s degree in music education from the University of Illinois.
Her ministries include:
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Holy Family/St. Joseph (1952-57),
* St. Louis: Teacher, Annunziata/Our Lady of Providence (1957-63),
* St. Louis: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence (1963-66),
* Wilmette, Ill.: Teacher, St. Francis Xavier (1966-74),
* River Grove, Ill.: Teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1974-82),
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1982-2002),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods; Music Ministry and Receptionist for Woods Day Care/Pre-School (2004-06),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Teacher, Sacred Heart School (2006-07), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Music Ministry and Coordinator for Ladywood Alumnae (2007-13).
Sister Ruth Johnson is a native of Cambridge, Mass. Currently, she ministers as a fiber artist and volunteer for White Violet Center for Eco-Justice at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Ruth, formerly Sister Joseph Maurice, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1950, from Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden, Mass. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from Duke University.
Her ministries include:
* Chicago: Teacher, Maternity BVM (1952-55),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Francis Borgia (1955-57),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Francis Borgia (1957-61),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Mark (1961-63),
* Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose (1963-65),
* Fayetteville, N.C.: Teacher/Principal, St. Ann (1965-72),
* Rochester, N.H.: Teacher, St. Mary (1972-74),
* Malden, Mass.: Teacher, Cheverus (1974-76),
* Portsmouth, N.H.: Teacher, Lady Isle (1976-86),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Driver, Sisters of Providence (1986-87),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Church Environment/Driver, Sisters of Providence (1987-2004), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Volunteer for White Violet Center and Driver, Sisters of Providence (2004-07).
Sister Elizabeth Meyer is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as a care volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Elizabeth, formerly Sister Joseph Aloyse, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1950, from St. Christopher Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. Jude (1952-57),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Nativity (1957-58),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Genevieve (1958-64),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. James (1964-67),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1967-71),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. James (1971-77),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, South Central Catholic (1977-81),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Central Catholic (1981-88),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1988-93),
* Indianapolis: Librarian, St. Rita School (1993-94),
* Indianapolis: Librarian, St. Matthew School (1994-95),
* Indianapolis: Librarian, St. Rita School (1995-2002),
* Indianapolis: Librarian, St. Andrew/St. Rita Catholic Academy (2002-04), and
* Indianapolis: Volunteer, St. Andrew/St. Rita Catholic Academy (2004-06).
Sister Dorothy Ellen Wolsiffer is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as a driver, greeter and visitor at the Motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Dorothy Ellen entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1950, from St. Patrick Parish, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1957.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University. In addition, Sister Dorothy has a master’s in theology from Mundelein University.
Her ministries include:
* Rochester, N.H.: Teacher, St. Mary (1952-54),
* Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose (1954-56),
* Brazil, Ind.: Teacher, Annunciation (1956-59),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Thomas Aquinas (1959),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Leo (1959-62),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. James (1962-65),
* Whiting, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1965-68),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Luke (1968-72),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. James (1972-76),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, South Central Catholic (1976-77),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1977-79),
* Indianapolis: Director, Simeon House (1980-81),
* Chicago: Secretary, Ministry Resource Center (1981-82),
* Chicago: Programmer/Bookkeeper, Ministry Resource Center (1982-87),
* Riverdale, Ill.: Pastoral Associate, Queen of Apostles Parish (1987-98),
* Coal City, Ill.: Pastoral Associate, Assumption Parish (1998-2002),
* Joliet, Ill.: Volunteer to Parish and Nursing Home, Assumption Parish (Coal City, Ill.) and Morning Star Mission (2002-12),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Driver/Residential Services, Sisters of Providence (2012-14), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Residential Services/Driver/Volunteer, Sisters of Providence (2014).
75-year Jubilarians
Sister Laurine Haley is a native of Malden, Mass. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Laurine entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden, Mass. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in elementary school counseling from the University of New Hampshire.
Her ministries include:
* Lockport, Ill.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1948-51),
* Galesburg, Ill.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1951-52),
* Chicago: Nursery, St. Columbkille Day Nursery (1953),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Genevieve (1953-54),
* Malden, Mass.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1954-55),
* Chelsea, Mass.: Teacher, St. Rose (1955-57),
* Evansville, Ind.: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1957-59),
* Fayetteville, N.C.: Teacher/Principal, St. Ann (1959-66),
* Washington, D.C.: Teacher, Dunblane (1966-67),
* Rochester, N.H.: Teacher, St. Mary (1967-69),
* Rochester, N.H.: Teacher, St. Mary (1970-72),
* Lansdowne, Md.: Guidance Counselor/Director of Religious Education, St. Clement (1972-78),
* Somerville, Mass.: Teacher, St. Polycarp (1978-79),
* College Park, Md.: Teacher, Holy Redeemer (1979-82),
* Washington, D.C.: Director of Student Services, Jefferson Business College (1982-83),
* Bethesda, Md.: Assistant to Head of Lower School, Stone Ridge Lower School (1983-93),
* Bethesda, Md.: Receptionist, Joseph D. Connor, M.D. (1994),
* Washington, D.C.: Ministry to Elderly (1995-98),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Health Care Services Staff (1998-2002),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Residential Services Staff (2002-05),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Ministry of Care Volunteer/Woods Day Care-Pre-School Receptionist (2005-10),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Ministry of Care Volunteer (2010-11), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Prayer for Woods Day Care-Pre-School (2011-14).
Sister Winifred Mary Sullivan is a native of Terre Haute. Currently, she ministers as a sewer for Linden Leaf Gifts at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Winifred Mary entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from St. Ann Parish, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from St. Louis University.
Her ministries include:
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Andrew (1948-50),
* Lansdowne, Md.: Teacher, St. Clement (1950-52),
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, Cathedral (1953),
* Chicago: Teacher, Immaculate Conception (1953-58),
* New Albany, Ind.: Teacher, Holy Family (1958-60),
* St. Louis: Teacher/Principal, Annunziata (1960-66),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1966-67),
* Terre Haute: Teacher/Principal, St. Margaret Mary (1967-69),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Tenth Street School (1969-91),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Greater Jasper Cons. School (1991-93),
* Jasper, Ind.: Tutor/Community Service (1994-2001),
* Jasper, Ind.: Tutor for Hispanic Women (2001-03),
* Jasper, Ind.: Volunteer (2003-08),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Residential Service (2008-12), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Residential Service/General Administration Volunteer (2012-16).
80-year Jubilarians
Sister Mary Roger Madden is a native of Decatur, Illinois. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Mary Roger entered the Congregation on Sept. 16, 1940, from St. Patrick Parish, Decatur. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1949.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English and also has a master’s degree in English from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
* Chicago: Teacher, Our Lady of Mercy (1943-45),
* Hammond, Ind.: Teacher, St. Joseph (1945-48),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, Holy Cross (1949),
* Peru, Ind.: Teacher, St. Charles (1949-50),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Agnes (1950-52),
* Richmond, Ind.: Teacher, St. Mary (1952-54),
* Fort Wayne, Ind.: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1955-58),
* Chicago: Teacher, St. Leo (1958-61),
* Washington, D.C.: Teacher, Immaculata (1961-64),
* Clarksville, Ind.: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1964-65),
* Evanston, Ill.: Teacher, Marywood (1965-68),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1968-69),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: House of Prayer (1969-71),
* Washington, D.C.: Teacher, Immaculata Prep (1971-74),
* Gardena, Calif.: Teacher, St. Anthony (1974-77),
* Los Angeles: Adult English as a Second Language Teacher (1977-78),
* Lakewood, Calif.: Teacher/Provincial Councilor, St. Joseph (1978-86),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Congregation Historian, Archivers (1986-96),
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Pilgrimage Coordinator/Our Lady of Providence Shrine Coordinator/Blessed Sacrament Chapel Coordinator/Oral History (1998-2016), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Blessed Sacrament Chapel Assistant (2016-17).
Sister Annette Schipp is a native of Ferdinand, Indiana. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Annette entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1940, from St. Joseph Parish, Jasper, Indiana. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1948.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and also has a master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
* Joliet, Ill.: Teacher, St. Mary Carmelite (1942-48),
* Norwood Park, Ill.: Teacher, Immaculate Conception (1948-53),
* Evansville, Ind.: Teacher, Assumption (1953-59),
* Evansville, Ind.: Principal/Teacher, Good Shepherd (1959-65),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Luke (1965-67),
* Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1967-76),
* Jasper, Ind.: Teacher, Precious Blood (1976-91),
* New Albany, Ind.: Receptionist, Providence Retirement Home (1991-93),
* Indianapolis: Volunteer Service (1993-2004), and
* Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Volunteer (2005-18).
About the Sisters of Providence
The Sisters of Providence, a congregation of 214 women religious, with 300 Providence Associates, collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy. The Sisters of Providence have their motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, located just northwest of downtown Terre Haute, Ind., which is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in 1840. Today, Sisters of Providence minister in 13 states, the District of Columbia and Asia, through works of love, mercy and justice. More information about the Sisters of Providence and their ministries can be found at SistersofProvidence.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.