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Sister Regina Norris (formerly Sister Regina Clare)

It is not at all surprising to me that the two scriptures that Sister Regina Norris chose for her funeral liturgy both mention children. She began teaching even before entering the Sisters of Providence. Having graduated from Indiana University in 1958, she began her teaching career at St. John School in Loogootee, a school that we staffed. As a Sister of Providence, she taught for 35 more years plus 14 years after that as a tutor and substitute. Add it up. The sum is 52 years, said Sister Rosemary Schmalz in her commentary for Sister Regina Norris, formerly Sister Regina Clare, who passed away on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She was 84 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for 58 years.

Sister Regina Norris

Sister Rosemary continued: Donna Regina Norris was born to Donald and Ora Keasling Norris on Jan. 24, 1936. She was their first child, and from the content of a very brittle scrapbook that I found in Regina’s file which her mother entitled Donna’s Doings, it is evident that she was a much-loved child. Her mother records meticulously the events of Donna’s first years, including the fact that Donna was born at Aunt Louise Keasling’s house in Bruceville, Ind. In this book are the lyrics of a song that her father wrote for her and sang to her when she was a baby. Its title is Red-Head:

Days were so dreary, nights were so long
Then you came and life was a song
With your blues eyes and dear red head
You filled my heart full of joy instead.
Red head, dear little red head, your little eyes are filled with sleep
Cuddle close to mother’s breast while the angels their watch will keep
Red head, dear little red head, blue days are just a memory
Red head, dear little red head, you mean more than the world to me.

Donna’s mother records that she was a very stubborn child. One method of discipline they tried was to give her five pennies at the beginning of each day. When she was misbehaving, she had to give up a penny. Her mother writes, “I don’t believe you ever got a whole nickel. One day, you were extra mean, and I had taken two of your pennies and you came to me with your bank and said, ‘Here, take my other pennies because I am going to do the same mean thing again.'”

Sister Regina Norris (RIP) and Sister Charles Ellen Turk (RIP)

In 1939, a second daughter was born, Vicki Ann. However, Vicki Ann died in 1942 of a brain abscess. Donna would have been 5-and-a-half, and I know that the death of her sister remained with her. When I lived with her as part of the LaSalle Street community in Indianapolis, we each cooked once a week. Regina occasionally prepared salmon patties for us and several times when that was her entrée, she recounted that when Vicki died, a neighbor brought the family a platter of salmon patties. For her, salmon patties held a sweet memory of a neighbor’s kindness at this very said time. In 1942, her brother Thomas was born. He preceded her in death in 2012.

By the time Donna had reached her teens, the family had settled in Crane, Ind. Donna attended 12 years of public school, and then as I stated earlier, enrolled at Indiana University and majored in elementary education. I don’t know if her teaching position at St. John in Loogootee was her first contact with the Sisters of Providence, but I do know that one of the sisters suggested that she consider joining the Congregation. Consider it she did and entered in September 1961. She received the name Sister Regina Clare. She took her first vows on Aug. 15, 1964, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1969.

Sister Regina might win a Congregation prize for “stability” in ministry. She served in only four schools and never left the Archdiocese. Since she had a degree when she entered, she was sent to teach at St. Leonard in West Terre Haute during one of her Juniorate years. There, she taught grades five and six, the only years when she did not teach primary grades. She then taught two years in Brazil and after that went to St. Charles in Bloomington. In the summer, she studied for and earned her master’s degree from IU in elementary education. In Bloomington, she told me that she learned to appreciate opera. Sister Rose Ellen O’Toole, the superior there, was an opera lover and somehow maneuvered permission for the house to take full advantage of the Indiana University School of Opera. Regina herself loved music and as many of us know, she had a lovely voice. She was a choir member at St. Jude Parish for many years. In fact, Sister Betty Donoghue shared with me that a few years ago, her rosary group in Mother Theodore Hall Chapel decided to sing a Mary hymn every day during May. However, only if Regina was present did the group manage to pull it off. And Marianne Reis, writing a comment on our website, says, “Sister Regina and I met about 10 years ago at a Christmas Party at the Knights of Columbus for all nuns from the Indianapolis area. She knew every word to every song that I played.”

She left St. Charles for St. Jude after 11 years. There is a note in her file signed by all the school board members thanking her for her service. Here is a quote from it: “You have made a significant contribution and we would like to commend you for it and express our sincere appreciation for your endeavors. Your work with the children, both in school and out, will have an effect far beyond what we can supply in this letter …”

Sister Regina then came to St. Jude where she taught first grade for 14 years. Then, finding the work with the very small children a little difficult as she was approaching 60, moved to third grade for seven more years. In 1999, she retired from full-time teaching but remained at St. Jude for another 14 years, serving as a substitute and tutor.

I am blessed with another source of information, this from Sister Regina herself. About four years ago, she had Sister Betty Koressel take some notes on her ministry experience to be incorporated into her commentary. Sister Betty said that she didn’t want a “dry commentary with just a bunch of facts.” Sister Betty recorded that Sister Regina won several awards for her teaching, both in Bloomington and in Indianapolis. Sister Betty gives us these words about teaching from Sister Regina herself: “I taught the little ones in primary grades, not for prestige or the Teacher of the Year Award. I taught because that was my calling to do so … I wanted to keep the flame of knowledge burning, to pass on to other generations what was given to me. There is no profession that is more rewarding. Teaching is watching a child finally make sense out of all the black squiggles on a page and seeing the sparkle in her eye as she announces, ‘I’m really reading!'” Regina notes that one of her former students, Father Eric Augustine, asked her to read at his first Mass at St. Jude Church since it was she who taught him to read.

Sister Regina Norris helps a little boy with his reading in 2014 from the parlor in her home, Providence Hall.

Sister Regina continued, “Teaching is a warm hug and a sticky kiss at the end of the day. Teaching is making spelling easier for a young person and restoring that person’s self-respect. Teaching is listening as a young man on suspension pours out his worries and concerns and hopefully, making a difference in his life.” Let me add an aside to this comment before continuing.

As a tutor, she had her own classroom, and sometimes a child, usually a boy who was misbehaving, would be sent to her room for a “time out.” The rules were that the child was supposed to sit alone, keep silent, and do some assigned work. However, if a child was there during lunchtime, Regina always took pity on him and invited him to each lunch with her and, of course, chat. Perhaps that was when the above-mentioned sharing took place.

Sister Betty says that Sister Regina wanted a little humor in her commentary. She recounted these stories from Sister Betty to copy down. The first: A little girl had an accident in the classroom, not being able to get to the bathroom fast enough. She looked down and saw her puddle and asked Sister Regina if her plants needed watering.

And another: Sister Regina had been teaching before Thanksgiving why the pilgrims wanted to come to the United States. When she reviewed the lesson later, a child said that they came because the king wouldn’t let them “wash up.” Puzzled by this, she finally realized that she had used the word “worship,” the king would not let them worship.

And last, here is my favorite: A small child came up, gave her a big hug, and said, “Oh, Sister Regina, I love you so much. You’re so soft.”

For sure she was the embodiment of Mother Theodore’s admonition, Love the children first, then teach them. Nancy Meyer writes, “I taught third grade with Sister Regina for several years at St. Jude. She loved to socialize! She sang and read stories to her students but expected much from them.” She was also a faithful friend and advocate for the faculty, caring about them and their families and their lives. Rebecca Wooldridge writes, “I loved every moment I spent with her. She taught me so much about the Catholic faith and life lessons. She was dear to me. She was always smiling and just a heart of gold!”

Regina was very close to her brother Thom. Often on Sunday afternoons, she would go to Thom’s house to play an assortment of games. I remember that three of them were Dominoes, Sorry, and Boggle. We would usually send her off to these meetings saying that we were praying for Thom to win. It seems that Regina always won at Boggle and she had promised Thom that if he ever won, she would buy him a banana split from Dairy Queen. I understand that he did actually win ONCE and she had to pay up.

When Sister Regina returned to the Motherhouse, she took as her ministry visiting sisters in health care. She wrote this description of her ministry in 2015 when she was living in Lourdes Hall: “I … visit the sick in health care. Sometimes they just need a listening ear. I am a good listener and try to be a cheerful one, leaving the resident with something to smile about. I also write notes for people who have trouble with writing and I address cards for Sister Ann Casper’s (Mission Advancement) office whenever needed. I just try to ‘bloom where I’m planted.'”

We can only surmise how painful Sister Regina’s last months were for her. As one who enjoyed the company of others so much, her difficulty communicating must have been a great suffering. But let’s note her choice of John’s first letter as a reading for today. It has this wonderful line: “We are God’s children now. But it is not clear what we shall become.” But now, dear Sister Regina, you indeed do know what we are becoming, what it means, again to quote the reading, “to see Christ as he really is.” You are planted now as a new creation, blooming in the company of your parents, siblings, your many friends, probably a few former students, and of course, Mother Theodore and a myriad of Sisters of Providence. Rest in peace, Regina!

Funeral services for Sister Regina took place on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

A Virtual Wake took place at 10:30 a.m., with Funeral Liturgy Outside Mass taking place at 11 a.m. The funeral was closed to the public.

We welcome you to share your memories of Sister Regina in the comment section below.

Memorial contributions in Sister Regina’s honor may be made to the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Regina Norris (Formerly Sister Regina Clare)

Complete Ministry:

In Indiana: Teacher, St. Leonard, West Terre Haute (1964-65); Teacher, Annunciation, Brazil (1965-67); Teacher, St. Charles, Bloomington (1967-78); Teacher, St. Jude, Indianapolis (1978-99); Substitute Teacher/Resource Teacher, St. Jude, Indianapolis (1999-2011); Volunteer, St. Jude, Indianapolis (2012-13), Tutor, Educational Family Services, West Terre Haute (2013-14); Volunteer, Providence Health Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2013-14); Volunteer, Mission Advancement, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2014-17); Visitor, Providence Health Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2017-18); Prayer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2018-2020).

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  1. Avatar madonna on April 29, 2020 at 10:33 am

    Thank you. May she rest in peace. May the angels meet her and take her to her Lord and Savior. Thank you always for including the ministry.

  2. Avatar Greg Dant on April 29, 2020 at 11:08 am

    We will miss our many trips to SMW, with Sr. Regina. She was so proud of “The Woods”, as she called it. We always went on Sundays, so we could go to Mass and then to brunch, at O’Shaughnessy Hall. We usually would meet up with several other sisters that we knew, from over the years. RIP, Sr. Regina

    • Avatar Jill Schultz on May 4, 2020 at 8:50 pm

      Sister Regina and I taught and worked together at St. Jude from when I started in 1981 till she left in 2013. She was a great story teller! She made you feel like you were there when she told a story! She loved to sing. She loved to teach about the Rosary and St. Mother Thedora Guerin. She helped teach reading in my classroom. She loved listening to the children read and guiding young readers. The children used their writing skills to keep in touch with Sister Regina once she returned to St. Mary of the Woods. Thank you Sister Regina for your friendship, love and guidance over the years.

  3. Avatar Paula Howard on April 29, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Sister Regina taught my daughter in 3rd grade. She helped Cath become more confident and asked about her long after Cath graduated from St. Jude. She prayed that Cath would become a teaching Sister. She got half of that prayer. She is a math teacher with four beautiful children.

    I loved Sister Regina. May she Rest In Peace.

  4. Avatar Worden Family on April 29, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Rest In Peace Sister Regina. Upon hearing of her passing I reminisced with my daughters who shared their fond memories of her. We have been so Blessed with great teachers at St, Jude. They have all led our children on a path of success. May God Bless Sister Regina.

  5. Avatar Marianne Schafer Ries on April 29, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    Sister Regina and I met about 10 years ago at a Christmas Party at the Knights of Columbus for all nuns from the Indianapolis area. She knew every word to every song that was played by me (I was the pianist). From that moment on, our friendship began. She came to my home in Indianapolis over Easter weekend several years ago and we attended services at St. Paul’s Hermitage in Beech Grove, IN. We then went to dinner at Vito’s on the Southside. She delighted in her meal and was most complimentary to the server. Once Sister and I toured the cemetery at the Woods. We were able to find Sister Agnes Virginia’s burial plot. Many should remember her as Principal of St. Jude. Oh how Regina loved to sing and be so cheerful and chatty. She loved putting a smile on each sister’s face whenever they needed one. I loved my time with Sister Regina Therese. She always made me feel important. Imagine having a nun as a dear friend! Great times! What a delight for the heavenly singing angels. I loved Regina, may she rest in piece. I shall remember her always.

  6. Avatar Nancy Meyer on April 29, 2020 at 4:38 pm

    I taught third grade with Sr. Regina for several years at St. Jude. She loved to socialize! She sang and read stories to her students but expected much from them. Several of us visited her at the Woods about 2 years ago and she so enjoyed reminiscing. Rest In Peace, Sister!

  7. Avatar Rebecca Wooldridge on April 30, 2020 at 8:19 am

    Oh Sister Regina, you will truly be missed. We worked together side by side for two years at St. Judes in Indianapolis. I loved every moment I spent with her. She taught me so much about the Catholic faith and life lessons. She was so dear to me. She was always smiling and just a heart of gold! We will miss her but I know she’s with her precious mother now and baby sister. I will pray for her today.

  8. Avatar Mary Tepp on April 30, 2020 at 6:10 pm

    Sister Regina was truly a beautiful person. She always brought God’s love and laughter with her whenever she came to read with our children at st. Jude. The kids loved her and we always looked forward to having her in our room. The world is better for her being in it!

  9. Avatar Maura Johnston on April 30, 2020 at 6:56 pm

    Sr Regina was my daughter’s favorite at St Jude when she was in first grade. She always came home from school with stories about books Sr Regina has read to them. She was very kind and will be remembered for her sweetness!

  10. Avatar Sister Mary Frances Lueke, RSM on April 30, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    Sister Regina and I have been friends for many years. She traveled to Louisville and I traveled to Indianapolis
    to visit with each other many times. She enjoyed visiting with me and my family. Sister Regina loved people and was always lots of fun to be with. God bless you Sister Regina. You will be missed by me and my family. I will remember you in my prayers. Rest in peace!

  11. Avatar Cathie Patton on May 2, 2020 at 10:40 am

    Rest In Peace, sweet sister. Sister Regina and I used to sit next to each other at 12:00 and I would love to sing with her. She had a beautiful voice and a beautiful heart. After I got to know her better, my sister and I would drive to the “woods” occasionally and take her out to lunch and for a drive. I know she’s in the arms of our Savior and is praying for all of us.

  12. Avatar Sister James Michael on May 2, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    Sister Regina and I worked and lived together for many years at St. Jude. She enjoyed working with the younger children.. She loved to sang and enjoyed music. May she Rest In Peace

  13. Avatar Beth McDevitt Major on May 4, 2020 at 12:56 pm

    Sister Regina Clare was my first grade teacher at St. Charles – 50 years ago! She was a wonderful teacher, always joyful and I loved that her red curls would peek out from under her habit! I still have a little statue of Mary that she gave out to the students. May she rest in Peace

  14. Avatar Daniel Ashley on May 7, 2020 at 3:00 pm

    I met Sister Regina in 2016 when my parents Connie and Ruth Ashley moved into Lourdes Hall for assisted living. When my parents and I were touring the facility to select their rooms, Sister Regina introduced herself and immediately took us all under her wing. Once she found out that I had worked in special education for many years she took a deeper liking to me. She assured me that my parents would be very well cared for and loved by all in Lourdes Hall and they definitely were up to their passing in 2017 and 2018. I will never forget the first time that we went to Mass together on Sunday after my parents had moved into Lourdes the preceding Friday. My mother was wheelchair dependent and Sr. Regina escorted us to 11:00 o’clock Mass. When I asked her where it would be best to sit with my mother in her wheelchair and my father with his cane, she quickly replied, “sit anywhere you like, you know my name means the queen.” Whenever I would be able to travel to SMW to visit my parents. Regina would always escort us to Mass and then we would often have lunch with her at Lourdes too. She was one of the kindest people I have met and always had a humorous story to share with us too. RIP my Queen Sister Regina! You will be one of the best voices in God’s heavenly choir.

  15. Avatar Beth Ponton-Keenan on May 8, 2020 at 6:04 pm

    Funny Story, I moved to the St Jude Parish with my husband and first born in 2003. My kids started school there several years later and I joined the choir around 2010 but had not actually been introduced to Sister Regina. One night after choir practice, Sister Regina, myself, and others were walking to our cars and this was our conversation:
    Me: You remind me of a nun I had as a teacher in first grade in Bloomington Indiana. She was called Sister Regina Clare.
    Sister Regina: Really? What school was that?
    Me: Saint Charles Borromeo.
    Sister Regina: What did you think of that teacher?
    Me: She was alright except for the time she whooped me for going behind the school with two friends.
    Sister Regina: (Laughing boisterously) wow! You must have thought I was dead a long time ago! 😂
    Me: Yes, I did. I had no idea you were up here.
    Sister Regina: I go by Sister Regina Norris now! What was your name then?
    Me: Beth Ponton, my 5 sisters went to Saint Charles, too. You taught me how to read.
    Sister Regina: Yes, I’m sure I did. I probably whooped your sisters, too! You are all better for it.
    Me: Yes, Ma’am. We probably are.
    We chatted in the parking lot about people from Saint Charles. When I told her I teach Japanese children living in America how to speak and read English, she said, “Oh, that’s great! That’s good work for the soul.” She is absolutely correct. Rest In Peace Sister Regina, thanks for giving so many children a love for reading!

  16. Avatar Kathleen Gilmartin on May 16, 2020 at 3:22 am

    I never had Regina in school but my family became very close to her. My brother had her in 1st grade and now he is 42. As nice of a person she was, it was said that she did not like the little boys back then. For some reason, her and my brother had a special bond. To her dying day, she would not admit to her not liking the boys but it was the truth. There is one other story that she told ALL THE TIME but listening to her telling it never got old! She had chosen my brother to do a reading at his First Communion. They went over to the church to practice quite a bit. So before the kids went onto the altar to do their reading, they would genuflect. However, my brother would go up to genuflect and he would always fall over every single time they practiced. Finally, Sr. Regina was fed up. She sent a note home to my parents explaining the situation (which they still have) and they needed to practice genuflecting with him. Wouldn’t you know, First Communion finally came and he did not fall over! She was a wonderful story teller and her laugh was contagious! Our whole family will definitely miss her!

  17. Avatar Chuck Johnson on July 4, 2020 at 7:31 pm

    SIster Regina was my first grade teacher at St. Charles in the late 1960s. I can still remember her vibrancy and her ability to draw a class’s attention to her. She did a tremendous job and helped set me on an educational path that included earning a Ph.D. I will forever be grateful for her gifts to me.

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