Heber to attend Al Gore’s climate change training

Lorrie Heber has been selected to attend Al Gore’s Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Denver.
One email changed the course of March 2017 for the director of White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, Lorrie Heber.
Recently, Lorrie received an email from Climate Reality Project, which described the organization’s upcoming Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training. The organization was founded by former Vice President Al Gore.
The seminar, which will take place March 2-4 in Denver, Colorado, intrigued Lorrie so much that she submitted an application to attend.
“I was looking for a way to focus my energy in a positive way and I have always been encouraged by the Climate Reality Project’s positive approach to advocating for Earth,” Lorrie said. “With all the negative discourse happening around us, it’s nice to focus on the good, innovative things that are happening to advance renewable energy and wean us off our dependence of fossil fuels.”
As it turns out, Lorrie was accepted by the organization and will be attending the training session.
According to www.climaterealityproject.org, the Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training is “a global network of activists committed to spreading awareness of the climate crisis and working for solutions to the greatest challenge of our time.”
The program provides training in climate science, communications and organizing.
Speakers for the March 2-4 event will include Gore, as well as President and CEO of the Climate Reality Project Ken Berlin.
Topics of discussion during the session will include a review of actions taken to weaken climate crisis laws and regulations; Western lands; energy; vulnerability; and local leadership.
“I hope to gain new information and tools to engage our communities in addressing climate change,” Lorrie said. “As part of the Corps, I have committed to conduct educational sessions, presentations and events throughout the year. Those tools will help the Sisters of Providence regarding their justice focus of care for creation and the environment.”
Lorrie said she is planning for presentations to take place at White Violet Center throughout the year.
“White Violet Center provides a natural platform for advancing education and advocacy around climate change,” she said. “I plan to have presentations here and throughout the community and to incorporate what I’ve learned into our events, such as Earth Day Celebration.”
Congratulations, Lorrie!
You are such a go-getter! What a perfect opportunity this is for your own passion about Earth and for our JCC focus on Climate Change. As always, Providence is at work!