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Collaborating against Human Trafficking

Most of us live in a protected space where the reality of human trafficking is far from our minds and hearts on a daily basis. When it seems so far removed from us, we may easily pass up responding to an action alert that could really make a difference.

We invite you to watch Lisa Kristine’s TED talk: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery. With great sensitivity and compassion, Lisa takes us on a journey of several industries in which this practice is common on a global level.

Then think of someone you love and try to imagine that adult or child living in such conditions.

In fact, each of these persons in this talk is our brother or sister, made in the image of God.

In the last several years, more and more grassroots organizations are taking steps to eradicate such tragic practices. We have and are collaborating with the Leadership Conference of Women religious and other organizations such as U.S. Catholic Sisters against Human Trafficking (USCSAHT).

Currently, USCSAHT is focusing on United States legislation regarding the issue of slavery in supply chains. For example, Kroger and Wendy’s are denying human rights to farmworkers picking the tomatoes that they purchase.

Sister Kathleen Desautels recently sent an action alert. Please respond to this current eight-week campaign. Here is additional information on the legislation.

Anyone may respond. You do not have to be a Catholic sister to respond.

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