Farmworkers, consumers declare national boycott of Wendy’s
The coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) has been persistently urging Wendy’s to join the Fair Food Campaign.
This agreement would require that the human rights of farmworkers who pick tomatoes in Florida would be protected. The Fair Food Campaign is a highly respected, well monitored program, aimed at stopping human trafficking and advancing human rights.
Despite the persistent efforts of the CIW and consumers informing Wendy’s of their expectations, the fast-food restaurant has absolutely refused to become a socially responsible corporation in this regard.
Not only has Wendy’s refused to join the Fair Food Campaign, they have now decided not to buy any tomatoes from Florida. Instead, they are choosing to buy their tomatoes from Mexico.
Please contact Wendy’s, both the local restaurants and at the corporate level, letting them know you are boycotting. Their refusal to join the Fair Food Campaign to stop human trafficking of Florida’s farmworkers is appalling. Their exploitation of workers in Mexico is just as shameful.
Wendy’s Corporate Headquarters office number is 1-614-764-3100.
Learn more about the CIW here.
I would like the sisters to pray for Ireland, we are fast loosing our faith. even the amnisty INT , are seeking abortion .for our Nation , We voted in the same sex marrage, last year. hopefully I can write a nicer letter after Easter,GOD BLESS DINAH.