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Providence Associate first commitment 2015

New Providence Associate Tina Bowen receives her Providence Associate pin from her companion Sister Rose Ann Eaton. Behind them are new associate Cathy Allen and her companion Sister Rita Clare Gerardot.

The newest Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. (Front from left) Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason, Zenaida Contreras, Sabrina Falls, Barbara Linton, Holly Herber, Adrienne Curtis-Davis, Kristina Allen, Providence Associate Assistant Director Debbie Dillow, (second row) Jacqueline Fischer, Rita Edwards, Patricia Waltman, Mary Wagner, Regina Hartman, Tina Bowen, (third row) Arthur Snyder, Beth Speer, Betty Sloan, Mary Jo Ricketson, Karen Blesch, Donna Stevenson, (back row) Cathy Allen, Kim Knoblock, Beth Weis, Pam Blake-Virostko, Jeanie Fentz, Cathleen Flynn, Linda Yatsko and General Officer for the Sisters of Providence Sister Dawn Tomaszewski. Not pictured: Heather Smith and Judy Sucharitakul.
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Amy Miranda
Amy Miranda is a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence and a staff member in their Mission Advancement office. Amy is a 1998 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. After serving in marketing and communication for the Sisters of Providence for nearly 25 years, Amy now serves as the Congregation's annual giving manager.
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