Home » Features » Kay Sisk, Linton, IN: “Sister made a great change in my life”


Kay Sisk, Linton, IN: “Sister made a great change in my life”

This Rooted for Tomorrow story was contributed by Kay Sisk, Linton, IN, for the 175th anniversary of the Sisters of Providence arriving in Indiana.

Sometime around 1986, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I had been ill for over a year and in and out of hospitals with uncontrollable vomiting and no answer to why it was happening. On one of these hospital stays I was in a semi private room and so ill I vomited most of the night. At some point during this miserable night I could hear someone praying for me on the other side of the curtain. The next morning when the nurse came in to check me, she opened the curtain and that is when I met one of the most inspirational people who has ever come into my life. This sweet little lady introduced herself as Sister Georgiana Terstegge. Oh my, my life did change. We talked for hours, I stopped vomiting, was able to take some broth, and felt so much better. We became friends very fast and Sister invited me to come to The Woods and visit her. I visited almost weekly and we wrote letters and cards. We prayed together, she showed me all around the Woods and we discussed Mother Theodore and Sisters’ faith in God. I so looked forward to those visits. There is no way I can fully describe what this Sister meant to me. I became a Providence Associate and I still visit the Woods as often as I can. I have met many of the Sisters at the Woods and I love them all. I think everyone loved this lady, I know I did. It’s not often in this life that we meet someone whom you feel made a great change in one’s own life but Sister made one in mine. I live with her values everyday. Pray to God, live a good life and always, always be kind to others. When I visit the Woods I know she is watching over me, I feel her presence and I can just see that big smile. I am so happy that I met Sister Georgiana and I was led to the Providence Associate program and beautiful St. Mary of the Woods.

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Paul Beel

Paul worked for the Sisters of Providence for 10 years, first as a Systems Analyst in the Information Technology department and as a photographer/digital media/web developer in the Missions Advancement office. He is a graduate of Indiana State University with a degree in electronics technology.

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