Home » Features » Patricia Gray, Montrose, CO: “It has been a privilege”


Patricia Gray, Montrose, CO: “It has been a privilege”

This Rooted for Tomorrow story was contributed by Patricia Gray, Montrose, CO, for the 175th anniversary of the Sisters of Providence arriving in Indiana.

I think it exciting in this Anniversary year that I am still corresponding with sisters who taught me over 50 years ago. I was at Immaculata in Washington during the time when the number of SPs was at its highest, and we must have had the best of them at our school!

Sister Mary Clare convinced me that I’d be happy there, Sister Agnes Maureen enjoined us to “pray over it, dears,” Sister Marceline shone the light on the “new” BSCS Biology course, Sister Marie Consolata shared her haiku with me, and Sister Mary Roger noted that I was “wearing my heart upon my sleeve,” when I really needed to mature. In an all-girls’ school, my classmates and I were encouraged to learn and grow and serve.

It has been a privilege to serve the sisters and the alumnae with moderators Sister Gertrude Helene, Sister Annette Cecile and Sister Susan Paweski, and now to have a lay-led association, helped greatly by Rosie Blankenship, with hearts still burning for the Sisters of Providence.

I hope to visit at St. Mary of the Woods this coming summer. In the meantime, I am already on your mailing list by email, and enjoy visiting your website.

May God bless you all, multiply the work of your hands (and minds and hearts) and may God draw more dedicated women to your ministry of loving service.

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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