Against All Odds Hall of Fame

NBA great Kevin Durant recently called his mother, “The real MVP,” after receiving his MVP award. Hearing the speech inspired Sister Donna Butler to create her “Against All Odds Hall of Fame” for mothers.
Having almost finished reading “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink,” I found myself having a unique reflection this past Mother’s Day.
The report highlights the complex economic challenges United States women face everyday. While detailing the problems, the report also provides constructive solutions that have been shown to enhance both family life and productivity in the work place.
So what does that have to do with Mother’s Day? It made me think about the contribution that women with meager finances have made and continue to make in this country. Recently NBA player, Kevin Durant, on receiving his Most Valuable Player award, gave the credit to his mother who had to struggle financially to raise her children. He calls her the real MVP.
How many stories have we heard like Kevin Durant’s? How many stories have we not heard of women of meager financial means who live everyday heroic lives? They work so hard for so little money. They use what they have to give their children the best they can afford. They make every effort to let their children know that what they are worth is not determined by their poverty. They teach them to hold their heads high and to believe in themselves, to discover their talents and to make a positive difference in the world.
I nominate all these women to what I call the Against All Odds Hall of Fame. They do not often get recognition for their incredible contribution to their families, neighborhoods and the larger community. Perhaps you know someone like this who deserves to be noticed.
While praising these women, I know they deserve better. I recommend reading “The Shriver Report” to every person who cares about women, who cares about families and who cares about the quality of living in this country.