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Sister Kay Manley: candidates and companions value time together

Sister Kay Manley is a native of Indianapolis. She has been a Sister of Providence 55 years. She currently ministers as a teacher of theology at Guerin College Preparatory High School in River Grove, Ill. She also has ministered in Lafayette, Ind., Chicago and in California.

Q. You were invited to be a companion to a person who sought to become a Providence Associate. What was it like for you to be part of that journey?

Yes, this was the second invitation I received to become a companion. I was a companion to Marilyn Newman at the start of the Providence Associate Relationship. Each journey has been different, each has been a good experience.

Sister Kay Manley shown at a Chicago area Providence Associates gathering.

Sister Kay Manley shown at a Chicago area Providence Associates gathering.

Q. Who is your candidate-associate?

Jude Magers served as consultant to the administration of Guerin Prep High School. I met Jude in June of 2011. When Jude was helping at Guerin, I offered her hospitality in my home. During these times we did talk about the possibility of Jude becoming a Providence Associate. In the summer of 2012, I was asked to be her companion.

Q. Can you describe the process? Did you meet regularly? What were your discussions like?

We met for orientation at the Woods in October of 2012. Subsequently, we have met once each month, November to May. God bless her. She has made all the long drives to Forest Park (Ill.). We followed the sequence of the units and shared, discussed the content for about two hours each time. At present we have Unit 7 to complete. These units have been overshadowed by the illnesses of her brother and my brother. My brother died on July 3, her brother is in ICU as I
respond to these questions. We spent time sharing our personal journey and then reflected on the unit at hand.

Q. As you discussed the Spiritual Integration Units, what messages seemed to be most important?

Sister Kay Manley

Sister Kay Manley

Many of the units led to reflection and sharing around charism, Mother Theodore, spirituality and Providence. It was a privilege to share with Jude some of the materials I have relating to these topics: “Sesquicentennial Charism Retreat” (1989),” “Designs of Providence, a Journal” (1996), “Reflections for the Journey” ( 1998), ”Practices to Keep Retreat” (1999), ”The Spirituality of Mother Theodore Guerin” (2000) and “Love, Mercy, Justice” (2006). It is evident that the Sisters of Providence help one another in steeping ourselves in Providence Spirituality.

What did you enjoy most about the process? What was most challenging?

Before the end of each session, Jude and I worked through our calendars making sure enough
time would be allotted for our next meeting. The challenging part fell to Jude as she drove the
four hours to meet here in Forest Park.

Q. Why is the Providence Associate Relationship important?

Providence Associate Relationship deepens the understanding and experience of Providence
spirituality. This relationship shares in the charism and mission of the Sisters of Providence.
Candidate-associates and companions value time to come together for prayer and mutual
support to further the mission of Providence.

Q. What advice would you give to someone who might be thinking about becoming a Providence Associate?

If you have the slightest interest, go for it, you will like becoming a Providence Associate and
having the opportunity to let the Sisters of Providence know who you are.

Q. Anything else you would like to share?

Providence Associates are valuable in the lives of Sisters of Providence as we together live out
the charism of our mission of Love, Mercy and Justice.

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Dave Cox

Dave Cox was media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence for many years. Prior to his work with the sisters, he spent over 30 years in newspaper newsrooms.

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