Letter from a saint: to Father Martin
Portions of a letter to the Rev. Augustine Martin, May 1, 1841
(Father Martin gave the sisters their first retreat in the United States Nov. 30 to Dec. 7, 1840. In 1841, he was the pastor of the parish in Logansport, Ind.)
“I have followed exactly your recommendations in regard to the Bishop [Celestine de la Hailandière, 1839-1847], and I have found them good — indeed, very good. He is an excellent father. I have never found a more compassionate heart, one more charitable, under so cold an exterior. One thing that deeply grieves my heart is the pain we give to him. So far there is nothing but complaints about us. I confide this to your paternity, lamenting it, and at the same time admiring the ways of Providence; for, most truly we are all disposed to do all we can to acquire the perfection of our state, to walk with courage in the narrow path, and to follow the Divine Spouse who has deigned to call us in preference to so many others who would be worth infinitely more than we are. This good will, of course, is not equally strong in all the Sisters; but you know, dear Father, grace is not given equally to all, nor at the same time.” (“Journals and Letter,” p. 74)
To read more about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, click here.