Sandy Scroggins: Providence is ‘like a beautiful dance’

Sandy Scroggins (left) poses for a photo with Providence Associates Paul Beel and Diane Weidenbenner.
Providence Associate Sandy Scroggins of Brazil, Ind., has worked side-by-side with the Sisters of Providence since 1994 when she was employed in the Congregation’s Mission Advancement office. Today Sandy serves as a major gifts associate/donor relations staff member.
Married for 25 years, Sandy and her husband, Gary, have four grown children, the youngest of whom is in graduate school at Indiana University/School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Gary, a Presbyterian minister, pastors at the First Presbyterian Church in Brazil.
Sandy is a great conversationalist and is interested in many topics, but her greatest passions are animals and earth sciences. She also enjoys needlework, going to yard sales and visiting antique shops. Sandy is also a voracious reader, preferring books on spirituality, nature/animals and history (medieval, colonial and Victorian).
1.) What was it like to go through the Spiritual Integration Units with Sister Rita Clare Gerardot, your companion?
Unfortunately, I was in the hospital most of 2007 with leukemia and side effects of treatment, so I missed the meetings with Sister Rita Clare and then-Providence Candidate-Associate Priscilla Hutton. Sister Rita Clare is a deeply spiritual person, and I so wanted to learn from her. She was very supportive during my illnesses, and the three of us get together every few months, but I did miss the opportunity to learn and explore during that first year as a Providence Candidate-Associate. Sister Rita Clare reminds me that I went through my own form of spiritual formation!
2.) Why did you want to become a Providence Associate?
After my long association with the Sisters of Providence, I wanted to have an even closer relationship with the community. The sisters are such outstanding women and I admire them very much. I wanted to soak up their understanding of Providence spirituality and our relationships with God and each other.
3.) Are there any insights you gained from the Spiritual Integration Units that you would like to share?
It’s the concept of God’s Providence working in our lives, how it permeates every fiber of our being and works through every moment of our lives. The insight that God is present to us always and how lovingly God interacts with us as we try to figure out what this life is all about. It’s like a beautiful dance.
4.) What do you enjoy most about being a Providence Associate?
I enjoy meeting other Providence Associates and learning from their journeys with Providence.
5.) What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Providence Associate?
If you want to be affiliated with intelligent, earnest and faith-filled people, don’t hesitate to join us!