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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
62 results
Topic: trust
Aging Prayer
Oh, God, awaken within me the gift of these years.
Teach me to trust so I can face my fears.
Compost Time
I’m throwingthe unwanted scrapsof my life hereinto the compost bintrusting that Godcan take whatseems so uselessand, amazingly,transform itinto rich, dark soilso the seedsof my futuremay be luredinto vibrant life again.…
Prayer for healing
Jesus, let me just touch your garmentas did the womanof ancient times. O Divine Healer,please stay right here,if you will,while I hurry backwith all of creation.
Holy Ground
O God,I kiss this holy groundThis place of promises in processThis place of people seeking GodAnd of God seeking and saving a peopleA place of knowing one is hungryAnd of…
Dawn at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
These winter days dark greets my waking, sometimes stars and moon. Flinger of stars, your power astounds. I feel so small. How like the little birds flying about, full of…
Prayer for Travel
Providence of God, we believe in you. Providence of God, we hope in you. Providence of God, we love you will all our hearts. Providence of God, we thank you…
Litany of Saint Mother Theodore
That we, like you, may abandon ourselves to the will of God …
Pray for us, Saint Mother Theodore …
Prayer to Our Lady of Providence
O God, whose ever-watchful Providence rules all things,we humbly implore youthrough the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary,the mother of your son,to remove from us whatever is harmfuland to bestow…
Memorare to Our Lady of Providence
Remember, O most faithful Lady of Providence, that you have been given to us by your Son to be our mother. We entrust to you our labors; bless them. We…
Blessing for the family
Family is our connection with the past and future. It is the source of our beliefs and common values. We seek its spiritual health. Mary, you trusted your family to…
Providence Prayer
My life, with all of its ups and downs,I gently place into your hands,Provident God. My loved ones, those here andthose living in the fullness ofyour life,I gently place into…
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