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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
32 results
Topic: parenting
A Grandparent’s Prayer to Our Lady of Providence
O Lady of Providence, my mother.
Thank you for your steady faithful prayer
and support as I have raised the children
God entrusted to me.
Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home
Woman of responsewhose initial “yes” set in motionthe greatest possibility that could ever be;whose continuing “yes” fed a developing faiththoughout a lifetime of availability to God’s power in her regard.…
Blessing for the family
Family is our connection with the past and future. It is the source of our beliefs and common values. We seek its spiritual health. Mary, you trusted your family to…
At a Time of Family Conflict
All families know conflict. How we handle our differences and to whom we turn determine whether, and how fast, our scars will heal. You know, God, we are not a…
At a Time of Family Crisis
Loss of a job, an accident, difficulties with children are just a few of the challenges which bring tremendous stress to a family. We pray to make these occasions a…
Joy at a New Birth
A baby is a new beginning, a hope for a better future. It is important to remember God’s role in helping us raise our children to lead good lives. Loving…
A Mother’s Day Prayer
Mary,mother of Jesus,woman of Providence,you formed your child’s faithand led him to his destiny. Living your lifein a real world, as a real woman,you became a model for all women.…
A Prayer for Father’s Day
St. Joseph,Through your goodness, faithand quiet sacrifice,you taught the meaning of fatherhood. You offered guidance,you showed the way. Thank you for those who havebrought fatherhood into my life,especially for ___________.…
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