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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
20 results
Topic: Mary
“Oh! The Daughters of Providence must fear nothing as to their future. They must confide themselves entirely to their good Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
“Be humble, like your Mother [Mary], devoted like her to the interests of God and your neighbor...”
“Who has ever perished that entrusted herself to Mary? Take her as your model on the way.”
“I had always hoped that the month of May the Blessed Virgin would not fail to send us some help; she loves us so much.”
“Oh, true devotion to the Holy Virgin consists in imitating her virtues, in following her example.”

Novena to Our Lady of Providence
Our Lady of Providence, Queen
of the Home, pray for strong and happy marriages,
safe pregnancies, peace within families, for those
divorced or separated and for all children,

Advent Poem
ADVENT journey down through the centuriesof people seeking Godto become flesh in their lives journey of people in high placesjourney of the lowly and the simplejourney of Mary and Josephjourney…

A Marian Litany
O Lovely rose of Sharon’s plain,Pure lily of the field,Thou beauteous garden all inclosed,The Spirit’s Fountain sealed—O pray for us! The honor of thy people, thou,Fair Paradise of God,The glory…

Prayer to Our Lady of Providence
O God, whose ever-watchful Providence rules all things,we humbly implore youthrough the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary,the mother of your son,to remove from us whatever is harmfuland to bestow…
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