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Topic: confidence
“Let not a cross look or a word vex you; no, nothing in the world is worth losing our peace for...”
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
“Finally we prayed for all, for we had the confidence of being heard. O yes, [God] heard our prayers, the sighs of our hearts...”
“As for myself, I am full of confidence; the good God will still come to our assistance, for "there is no imperfection in [God's] works."”
“...I have paid more than sixty thousand francs (on the motherhouse), besides supplying the wants of the one hundred and thirty persons who compose our family. How, are we not daughters of Providence?”
“Besides the admirable union that exists between persons of different nationalities, of dispositions so opposite, some well informed, others without education, there is also...a great spirit of faith, of piety and a confidence in God which goes as far, I believe, as it can go.”
“We had but one dollar remaining... and we did not know where to get a cent for the want of the house. Still, how could I mistrust Divine Providence?”
“Happy, ah, thrice happy are they who can look forward to the eternal future with calm and confidence, who can throw themselves with love into the bosom of God, the center of felicity!”
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