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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
63 results
Topic: community

Daughters of the Forest
Did you ever knowWe are all on life support?Oh, I don’t mean respirators,Tubes and hospital things.I mean things like honey bees and trees,Wind and water, sun and soil,Farmers and gardeners,…

Holy Ground
O God,I kiss this holy groundThis place of promises in processThis place of people seeking GodAnd of God seeking and saving a peopleA place of knowing one is hungryAnd of…
Prayer for Travel
Providence of God, we believe in you. Providence of God, we hope in you. Providence of God, we love you will all our hearts. Providence of God, we thank you…
Christmas Prayer
Infant Jesus, born among us as a helpless baby, … come into our hearts this day and teach us the meaning of simplicity and how dependent we are on others.…

Walking Together
O God, you walk with us through life.
You strengthen us
so that we might be your presence
to others on the journey.
Technology Wisdom Prayer
This prayer by Cathy Campbell asks guidance and peace among the multitude of information available to us from current technology sources.

A prayer of presence
Sister Ann Casper, executive director of Mission Advancement for the Sisters of Providence, shares a prayer on offering God’s presence to others.

Prayer for homecoming
Bless us, most loving provident God,may this coming home be a re-creation and experience of hospitality and hope. May all who enter this home, may all who walk through these…

Bridge Prayer
Lord, it is hard sometimes to believethat you are really present in this world of ours. But I do believe it, Lord!Please help me live my life in such a…

Prayer of Reunion
The Prayer of Reunion has been in use by the Sisters of Providence since before the sisters left France in 1840 to found the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, congregation. Small changes…

Prayer for a New Year
Creator God,The wheel is turning,a new year beginning,reminding us of our place in time. We are part of this world you made,not as separate bits and piecesbut as part of…
Providence Prayer
My life, with all of its ups and downs,I gently place into your hands,Provident God. My loved ones, those here andthose living in the fullness ofyour life,I gently place into…
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