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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
18 results
Topic: caring for others
A caregiver’s prayer
God of Love, as a caregiver, I need the grace to be loving even when I do not love all that I am asked to do. It is extremely difficult to watch the one I love slowly lose their ability to care for self and to witness their pain of illness. More is demanded of my time and sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough of that in the day to tend to all that needs to be done
A prayer of presence
Sister Ann Casper, executive director of Mission Advancement for the Sisters of Providence, shares a prayer on offering God’s presence to others.
Litany of Saint Mother Theodore
That we, like you, may abandon ourselves to the will of God …
Pray for us, Saint Mother Theodore …
Prayer for a New Year
Creator God,The wheel is turning,a new year beginning,reminding us of our place in time. We are part of this world you made,not as separate bits and piecesbut as part of…
An All Souls Remembrance
Loving God,A candle burns in my heartand warms my soul.It never flickers.It never wanes. It is the memory of those I lovewho are now at home with you. I ask…
Daily Prayer for Justice and Mercy
Jesus, united with the Father and the Holy Spirit,give us your compassion for those in prison.Mend in mercy the broken in mind and memory.Soften the hard of heart, the captives…
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