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Discover the artist within you with the Sisters of Providence
Do you enjoy creating art? Would you like to grow in your spiritual journey?
Then plan on joining the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, for the upcoming retreat, “Discover the artist within you! Art and spirituality retreat,” scheduled for Sept. 15-17 at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
The retreat will begin at 5:30 p.m., on Friday, Sept. 15, and conclude at 1 p.m., on Sunday, Sept. 17, and will take place in the Havlik Center at Providence Hall.

Enjoy the opportunity to play with alcohol inks, watercolors, beads and more. Each activity you participate in will encourage and support your creativity while broadening your experience of how art can enhance your spiritual quest.
One of the five artistic Sisters of Providence leading the retreat, Sister Paula Damiano, said engaging in art helps one experience a sense of “comfort and peace.”
“Art invites us to an encounter, which is a gift – a spiritual gift that might bring us into a deeper relationship with God,” Sister Paula added.
In addition to Sister Paula, Sisters Jan Craven, Joni Luna and Su-Hsin Huang will offer insight from their artistic and spiritual journeys.
“An important part of the process of prayerfully engaging works of art is being attentive to how open we are to the work of art itself, as well as being open and attentive to how the art elicits those emotions, desires and interior movements within us,” Sister Paula said.
“A relationship with God – the Divine — the Holy One, a relationship with the deepest part of who we are, the Divine within, needs to find expression. That happens in so many ways. So, spirituality feeds our creativity and art has the potential to nourish our spirituality.”
Overnight cost, which includes meals, snacks and supplies as well as accommodations, is $350. Commuter fee is $250.
The registration deadline for the retreat is Sept. 12.
Register online here or contact 812-535-2952 or provctr@spsmw.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.