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Joan Frisz

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Content written by Joan


Empowering women, changing lives: Fair Trade meets Mother Theodore

The core values of Global Mamas (and Fair Trade, in general) are consistent with the core values enumerated by the Sisters of Providence, namely:
• Focusing on the common good (Love);
• Working to alleviate the suffering of others in some direct way (Mercy);
• Endeavoring to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all (Justice);
• Using Earth’s resources in a sustainable manner (Care for Creation); and
• Working together for the good of the whole (Community).



The gift of Earth: a prayer moment

Challenges for the week to tend to the gift of Earth:
• Spend time in nature;
• Look out for life, human and other, in your little patch of the world;
• Live compassionately toward all God’s creatures;



Spring cleaning, spiritual cleaning

The dawning of spring invites us to a spiritual cleaning, as well. Time to clear out and make space for a new way of being in the world. The choices are many:
• To be attentive or to be distracted
• To be blessing or to be blaming



True to the calling: Providence Associate Joan Frisz

My desire to be a Providence Associate was rooted in my desire to live an authentic life that is consistent with my values and true to the calling from my God.



A call to change

There are many things from which we can fast — irreverence, exploitation, and control, for example. I heard some options several years ago that bear repeating: We can choose to fast from having the last word, or fast from holding on to a past hurt or memory. We can fast from always being right so that we can hear and hold sacred the truth of another.



Providence Circles: divine guidance around a central point

We have reflected on what it means to be a Providence woman. We have shared our gratitude and the inspiration we find from Saint Mother Theodore. In all these opportunities for sharing, we see the hand of Providence guiding us and calling us to walk together on this path that Providence has chosen for us.


Joan C. Frisz has been a Providence Associate since 2010, but her connection with the Sisters of Providence began in the womb. A graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Joan received her Master of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University in Chicago. She found her heart and her calling in Fair Trade and currently serves as the Executive Director of Just Creations, Louisville's International Fair Trade Marketplace, in Louisville, Ky.